Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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in reply to @fncz I would recommend that you go to a reliable "store" that sells such products. Many of the employees have a good grasp of the products they sell, assuming you go to a reputable place that sells cannabis products. I recently tried a combination of THC and CBD, and it did help with the pain. The CBD helps with pain, whereas the THC helped me sleep.

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Agreed, I found a brand that is 1:20 THC/CBD tincture. All brands and efficiency are not the same. Topicals work great as well. Don't give up. Invest in the topicals and tinctures until you find what works. Ohio has excellent growers. I really like Lighthouse and Butterfly Affect brands of topical. I really like UBGood 1:20 THC/CBD tincture. Also, Butterfly Affect makes the best pure THC tincture for breakthrough pain. Tinctures are better regulated, low-n-slow until you find what level of pain relief you need at a given time.


Agreed, I found a brand that is 1:20 THC/CBD tincture. All brands and efficiency are not the same. Topicals work great as well. Don't give up. Invest in the topicals and tinctures until you find what works. Ohio has excellent growers. I really like Lighthouse and Butterfly Affect brands of topical. I really like UBGood 1:20 THC/CBD tincture. Also, Butterfly Affect makes the best pure THC tincture for breakthrough pain. Tinctures are better regulated, low-n-slow until you find what level of pain relief you need at a given time.

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Thank you for this great information. What I discovered about the gummies, that, I like my sister, had a reaction to the CBD, but I did finish taking all of them because they helped me sleep better.
Admittedly, if not for the cost of THC, CBD etc,. I "might" consider using it as an alternative to the opiates. However, with the opiates only costing me $5 per month for enough tablets, I feel that I am getting a "good deal," regardless of whether or not I am dependent upon them for pain relief. After being on them for as long as I have, and with what I have going on presently, I do not see myself getting off of them any time soon. Maybe in a while. Thank you again


I have polycystic kidney disease which create horrible lower back pain. What can I take for the constant back pain?


I have polycystic kidney disease which create horrible lower back pain. What can I take for the constant back pain?

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I have Connective Tissue Disease and Fibromyalgia. I have pain every day. I've used 5/5 THC with CBD before bedtime and it helps me. I might be due to the body relaxing effect of that combo. The THC helps the CBD reach the desired transmitters to have an effect. For me the 10 mg 10/10 (1/2 THC 1/2 CBD per dose) edibles make me feel too high. If you try this, I'd suggest taking only one 1/2 dose to see how it affects you. And of course ask your Doctor's opinion regarding your medication and kidney status first.


I have chronic neck and back issues including disk disease with osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia. I use a 78% THC vape pen at bedtime and it relieves the anxiety from chronic pain as well as helping me fall asleep. I am also on 1200 mg of Gabapentin which makes me too fatigued during the day. I am thinking about getting off the Gabapentin or at least cutting it down. Pot is legal where I am so getting it is not an issue. If you can get it, I recommend THC for chronic pain.
Anita J.


Thank you for this great information. What I discovered about the gummies, that, I like my sister, had a reaction to the CBD, but I did finish taking all of them because they helped me sleep better.
Admittedly, if not for the cost of THC, CBD etc,. I "might" consider using it as an alternative to the opiates. However, with the opiates only costing me $5 per month for enough tablets, I feel that I am getting a "good deal," regardless of whether or not I am dependent upon them for pain relief. After being on them for as long as I have, and with what I have going on presently, I do not see myself getting off of them any time soon. Maybe in a while. Thank you again

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@frances007 you should consider trying something more effective for chronic pain than opiates. Percocet or oxycodone are for acute non-chronic pain and they can do a number on your system. I was switched to buprenorphine patch a few years back. Take a look.

Regarding cannabis for pain, I use it to decrease my need for oxycodone for breakthrough pain. I have found that cannabis does not work alone to relieve pain.


I am a 50 year user of pot. These days I only use vape pens. I sometimes have excruciating sciatic pain from a 4 decade old spinal injury. These days I'm not looking for the buzz, I just use it to help me fall asleep at night. I wish it would help with the pain, I really do but it doesn't help at all with the pain. That's my experience you'll have to try for yourself. Even if it doesn't help with the pain you might enjoy the journey.


I too use medical marijuana for pain, ptsd, anxiety, etc.
What I find is that it doesn't really take pain away, it dulls it sort of like stadol during labor and delivery, you still feel it but you don't care that the pain is there. It can limit how much other pain medicine is needed.


Suggest doing bit of research on the effects of THC on the human brain.


@frances007 you should consider trying something more effective for chronic pain than opiates. Percocet or oxycodone are for acute non-chronic pain and they can do a number on your system. I was switched to buprenorphine patch a few years back. Take a look.

Regarding cannabis for pain, I use it to decrease my need for oxycodone for breakthrough pain. I have found that cannabis does not work alone to relieve pain.

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I use buprenorphine, tabs dissolved under the tongue, to treat opiate addiction. It's combined with naloxone. I don't get high from it, and it renders stronger opiates ineffective in me. It's sorta like Antabuse for alcohol abuse. The idea is to discourage abuse.

That said, if you ever want to stop taking buprenorphine, you have to taper the dose very slowly to avoid withdrawal symptoms, which can be severe.

Personally, I haven't found buprenorphine to relieve any pain. Then again I don't have chronic pain so not sure if it helps with that. As with all opiates, just be careful.

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