PMR pain management with medical cannabis

Posted by menetski4 @menetski4, Apr 19, 2024

Has anyone used medical cannabis for pain management/ treatment for PMR? Has it helped you taper Prednisone? Do you use it on a regular basis or just as needed for pain? What form of cannabis do you use? Do you use a combination of cannabis and CBD?

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I use a topical body balm which is a mix of THC and CBD. Helps with arm and shoulder and neck pain—a lot. Not quite as effective on leg and hip pain but better than Tylenol.

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@floridalinda: Can you tell us specifically what the body balm is? I would like to try it if I can get it. Thanks.


My children are suggesting that I try cannabis but I have such a sensitive stomach and get nausea easily that I am afraid to try. I also would not try it without speaking to my doctor first.

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CBD only, for me has really no relief. Edibles that have at least half a THC content (preferably a Indica strain is best for pain or sleep) Edibles have the least amount of risk. ... However the timing of when it takes effect and to what extent, for the same product, for the same
patient can vary widely!
"Vapes" have an almost immediate effect, and can with,.. again at least 50% THC .... Can "take care of pain" . I say that because I believe it "masks" the pain, and while doing so, masks over other things, .... cognitive thinking, emotions, coordination.
And vapes are the easiest to ober-medicate yourself with negative results. And vapes in general have a lot of very serious respiratory issues.
Smoking cannabis is also not a great respiratory activity, and easy to get caught up in the "rituals" of paraphernalia.
I got clean and sober 35+ years ago, but was in enough pain to try Cannabis.... but very soon gave it up for the reasons listed above. I realize many are suffering significantly more than myself. And I would not criticize anyone for searching for something to make it stop.

But PMR makes life complicated enough without adding more. And the support/encouragements my wife and friends give me is a critical to my quality of life, enough I need to stay as present as possible in their company.
I've mentioned in several posts, and until someone asks me to stop, I'll continue to mention the supplement made from a tree leaf in Maylaya provides me quick and consistent relief.
That would be Kratom,. ... it can be purchased from Mitragaia. And the only strain I would recommend is "Super Green Maylay"....
I experience no negative side effects. But I understand everyone responds to supplements differently.
If anyone wants me to share how I use it please contact me.


@floridalinda: Can you tell us specifically what the body balm is? I would like to try it if I can get it. Thanks.

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It is called Mend and is 1:1 THC and CBD. 100 mg each in a 3.5 oz jar. Mend is a trade name for CT Pharmacy in Rocky Hill, CT.
I used a similar topical in Florida made by Suterra—don’t remember the ratio or the name of the topical.—


CBD only, for me has really no relief. Edibles that have at least half a THC content (preferably a Indica strain is best for pain or sleep) Edibles have the least amount of risk. ... However the timing of when it takes effect and to what extent, for the same product, for the same
patient can vary widely!
"Vapes" have an almost immediate effect, and can with,.. again at least 50% THC .... Can "take care of pain" . I say that because I believe it "masks" the pain, and while doing so, masks over other things, .... cognitive thinking, emotions, coordination.
And vapes are the easiest to ober-medicate yourself with negative results. And vapes in general have a lot of very serious respiratory issues.
Smoking cannabis is also not a great respiratory activity, and easy to get caught up in the "rituals" of paraphernalia.
I got clean and sober 35+ years ago, but was in enough pain to try Cannabis.... but very soon gave it up for the reasons listed above. I realize many are suffering significantly more than myself. And I would not criticize anyone for searching for something to make it stop.

But PMR makes life complicated enough without adding more. And the support/encouragements my wife and friends give me is a critical to my quality of life, enough I need to stay as present as possible in their company.
I've mentioned in several posts, and until someone asks me to stop, I'll continue to mention the supplement made from a tree leaf in Maylaya provides me quick and consistent relief.
That would be Kratom,. ... it can be purchased from Mitragaia. And the only strain I would recommend is "Super Green Maylay"....
I experience no negative side effects. But I understand everyone responds to supplements differently.
If anyone wants me to share how I use it please contact me.

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What about cannabis gummies


CBD only, for me has really no relief. Edibles that have at least half a THC content (preferably a Indica strain is best for pain or sleep) Edibles have the least amount of risk. ... However the timing of when it takes effect and to what extent, for the same product, for the same
patient can vary widely!
"Vapes" have an almost immediate effect, and can with,.. again at least 50% THC .... Can "take care of pain" . I say that because I believe it "masks" the pain, and while doing so, masks over other things, .... cognitive thinking, emotions, coordination.
And vapes are the easiest to ober-medicate yourself with negative results. And vapes in general have a lot of very serious respiratory issues.
Smoking cannabis is also not a great respiratory activity, and easy to get caught up in the "rituals" of paraphernalia.
I got clean and sober 35+ years ago, but was in enough pain to try Cannabis.... but very soon gave it up for the reasons listed above. I realize many are suffering significantly more than myself. And I would not criticize anyone for searching for something to make it stop.

But PMR makes life complicated enough without adding more. And the support/encouragements my wife and friends give me is a critical to my quality of life, enough I need to stay as present as possible in their company.
I've mentioned in several posts, and until someone asks me to stop, I'll continue to mention the supplement made from a tree leaf in Maylaya provides me quick and consistent relief.
That would be Kratom,. ... it can be purchased from Mitragaia. And the only strain I would recommend is "Super Green Maylay"....
I experience no negative side effects. But I understand everyone responds to supplements differently.
If anyone wants me to share how I use it please contact me.

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Thank you for your feedback. You apparently know about these "drugs". I am totally ignorant of them...don't know the different between cannabis, THC, CBD. I have only heard them mentioned in conversation and social media and know the possible dangers of being ignorant of them and using them anyway. I would first mention it to my doctor to get her valued opinion. Thank you again and I hope your remedy continues to help you.


What about cannabis gummies

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Cannabis gummies are the safest way I believe, and I did share @floridalinda's experience in finding a 1:1 CBD to THC was the right mix ..... But then that "Turpine" blend ran out and I couldn't locate it ever again. But besides cannabis just being difficult in general. I used to take a gummie at night, only to have it not kick in until 6am, and just making life like a " clown car" for me. If pain is severe and by far the prominent symptom, .... Try it. You'll know soon enough if it's worth it. But if you have any addictive personality traits you'll already be well practiced at fooling yourself. And I would avoid it if possible.
For me the aches and pains of PMR are definitely there, but it's the fatigue, weakness, and depression which are the most debilitating. And cannabis for me, at first felt like it addressed that, but ultimately worked against it.
Keeping my muscles supple with basic yoga, getting out in morning light, trying to go to bed early and get up early, .... avoiding sugar,.... besides the Kratom supplement.... These help my pain come less often and for less duration.
I do keep hitting a lower threshold of Prednisone, but so far having to increase it again. But it working itself VERY slowly lower each attempt.


Cannabis gummies are the safest way I believe, and I did share @floridalinda's experience in finding a 1:1 CBD to THC was the right mix ..... But then that "Turpine" blend ran out and I couldn't locate it ever again. But besides cannabis just being difficult in general. I used to take a gummie at night, only to have it not kick in until 6am, and just making life like a " clown car" for me. If pain is severe and by far the prominent symptom, .... Try it. You'll know soon enough if it's worth it. But if you have any addictive personality traits you'll already be well practiced at fooling yourself. And I would avoid it if possible.
For me the aches and pains of PMR are definitely there, but it's the fatigue, weakness, and depression which are the most debilitating. And cannabis for me, at first felt like it addressed that, but ultimately worked against it.
Keeping my muscles supple with basic yoga, getting out in morning light, trying to go to bed early and get up early, .... avoiding sugar,.... besides the Kratom supplement.... These help my pain come less often and for less duration.
I do keep hitting a lower threshold of Prednisone, but so far having to increase it again. But it working itself VERY slowly lower each attempt.

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"Cannabis gummies are the safest way I believe"
Maybe for some but not for others. What are the other ingredients in the gummies? Gelatin is not good for some of us and additives of other sorts may also be problematic.


OH! Wow what great info!
I did not.know anyth (and th


OH! Wow what great info!
I did not.know anything about the gelatin as a negative ingredient for sufferers!
Cannabis is not good for me for so many reasons. But in the state of Maryland the dispensaries are very regulated, meaning only the other ingredients info should be available. But I would NEVER get a CBD product out of a regular store.
Thank you!


Does anyone with PMR have any data that confirms THC or CBD should not be used while on Prednisone because of the cannabinoids intensifying or potentiating the adverse negative effects of the Prednisone. Please be specific about what THC-CBD combination product works the best for your pain through decreasing the inflammation. The tinctures are expensive. Bot those of us with PMR live each day in life altering pain. There must be someone using cannabinoids successfully that can share their experience to help those of us in severe pain from PMR to decreased pain.

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