Lichen Sclerosus: Any other women dealing with this disease?

Posted by Kitten92 @kitten92, May 22, 2017

Is anyone out there dealing with this disease? I am currently using a compound ointment that my oncologist prescribed but I'm looking for possible lazer treatments or anything else that might now be available.

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It suffer from lichen sclerosis in the genital area. It took 6 months in extreme pain to get the diagnosis. I was prescribed dermovate cream which helped after about two weeks. I was advised by my dermatologist not to use soap in areas affected and given a prescription for dermal shower emollient. I was also advised not to use wet toilet tissue or any panty liners. Since then, I have not had any real flare up from this because the minute I feel a little pain I use the dermovate cream. Hope this helps.

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@veronicamac - yes, the Clobetasol propionate 0.05% I understand is the most prescribed ointment.

Hope you might find (or have) a gynecologist experienced in Lichen sclerosus & its impact - present & future.

Best wishes! 🤗


I had flares of Lichen Sclerosus even in my 20's looking back. Of course I didn't know what I had then, but after trying several meds for yeast that didn't help, I started using vitamin B oil that stopped the crazy itch almost immediately. It's worth a try. I got it at a health food store.


I had flares of Lichen Sclerosus even in my 20's looking back. Of course I didn't know what I had then, but after trying several meds for yeast that didn't help, I started using vitamin B oil that stopped the crazy itch almost immediately. It's worth a try. I got it at a health food store.

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I forgot to mention I dabbed it on the skin with a cotton ball.


Kitten, laser treatments from Coyle Institute in Pensacola, FL work for me for about 2 1/2 to 3 years. Then I have another treatment done. (Tulip Procedure.) He made my vulva and clitoris look normal again without taking away any sensation. It just takes a few days of healing, then I fly back home to AZ.

Dr Coyle was ill, so I recently tried another “reputable” specialist in Phoenix who did a laser procedure, with zero results. LS was back in full force after 3 weeks, and he didn’t take away any scar tissue.
I’ll be going back to Dr Coyle.
I do hope you are able to find some relief. Aquaphor will at least keep the area moist and pain away when urine hits open cuts in the tissue. Use it all the time if you can’t use steroid ointment.
Yours in sisterhood,

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You saw Dr Coyle, who I recently saw an ad! I’m new to L.Sclerosis & wonder if I should go there soon or wait out the Clobesterol Oint treatment (twice a day x 2 weeks, then daily x 2 weeks)? The twice daily seems high to me & don’t want to thin the skin in the figure of 8 application (which includes the perineum & anal areas). In 4 weeks, a possible biopsy, if no improvement.
I’d rather have a reliable treatment sooner. I will ask at my 4 week follow-up. So far, a week of twice daily Clobetasol, it did help the itch, but the white skin & rough areas are still present. Most sites I’ve read start with Clobetasol just daily & taper after some improvement. I sure don’t want cancer in that area!


You saw Dr Coyle, who I recently saw an ad! I’m new to L.Sclerosis & wonder if I should go there soon or wait out the Clobesterol Oint treatment (twice a day x 2 weeks, then daily x 2 weeks)? The twice daily seems high to me & don’t want to thin the skin in the figure of 8 application (which includes the perineum & anal areas). In 4 weeks, a possible biopsy, if no improvement.
I’d rather have a reliable treatment sooner. I will ask at my 4 week follow-up. So far, a week of twice daily Clobetasol, it did help the itch, but the white skin & rough areas are still present. Most sites I’ve read start with Clobetasol just daily & taper after some improvement. I sure don’t want cancer in that area!

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Twice a day initially or when there is a flare up is not unusual. That is same recommendation my gynecologist recommended.



Twice a day initially or when there is a flare up is not unusual. That is same recommendation my gynecologist recommended.

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Thanks for the info, since thinning skin my concern. Also, in 2017 I used Clobetasol in same area for a rare benign vulvar skin condition, “trichoadenoma” (not the STD). So having to repeat Clobetasol again is a worry; but reading these entries, it seems some people use it long term. There does appear to be some shrinkage, but that’s from this bad LS from what I read. Awful!


You saw Dr Coyle, who I recently saw an ad! I’m new to L.Sclerosis & wonder if I should go there soon or wait out the Clobesterol Oint treatment (twice a day x 2 weeks, then daily x 2 weeks)? The twice daily seems high to me & don’t want to thin the skin in the figure of 8 application (which includes the perineum & anal areas). In 4 weeks, a possible biopsy, if no improvement.
I’d rather have a reliable treatment sooner. I will ask at my 4 week follow-up. So far, a week of twice daily Clobetasol, it did help the itch, but the white skin & rough areas are still present. Most sites I’ve read start with Clobetasol just daily & taper after some improvement. I sure don’t want cancer in that area!

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FYI: Clobetesol is a steroid and over time it will thin your skin. Ask your doc about Clotimazole. An antifungal. After all, lichen sclerosis is a fungal issue.

Editor's Note:
Read more from Mayo Clinic here:

The pain, itching and patchiness of lichen sclerosus may be similar to symptoms of a fungal skin infection. However, lichen sclerosus is not linked to a fungus, virus or bacteria.The exact cause of lichen sclerosus isn't known. It's likely a combination of factors, including an overactive immune system, your genetic makeup, and previous skin damage or irritation. Lichen sclerosus isn't contagious and can't be spread through sexual contact.


You are misinformed. LS is not a fungal issue at all! Lichen Sclerosus is an autoimmune condition.


You are misinformed. LS is not a fungal issue at all! Lichen Sclerosus is an autoimmune condition.

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@2thfairy I agree!


You saw Dr Coyle, who I recently saw an ad! I’m new to L.Sclerosis & wonder if I should go there soon or wait out the Clobesterol Oint treatment (twice a day x 2 weeks, then daily x 2 weeks)? The twice daily seems high to me & don’t want to thin the skin in the figure of 8 application (which includes the perineum & anal areas). In 4 weeks, a possible biopsy, if no improvement.
I’d rather have a reliable treatment sooner. I will ask at my 4 week follow-up. So far, a week of twice daily Clobetasol, it did help the itch, but the white skin & rough areas are still present. Most sites I’ve read start with Clobetasol just daily & taper after some improvement. I sure don’t want cancer in that area!

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@kewp yes, that’s a normal dosage of Clobetasol. My Phoenix urogynocologist also Rx Estrace 3xwk to be used on inner labia and figure 8 perianal region to help keep skin from thinning. You can always use Aquaphor in between times just to keep moist, and prevent injury to the tissue. Another cream I was Rx is Silver Sulfadiazine 1%, after a vulvar laser treatment. I use it on lesions that just don’t want to heal.

As far as seeing Dr Coyle, if you aren’t too far from him, I’d see him sooner than later. I first saw him when I felt completely hopeless and was amazed by his Tulip Procedure treatment and that he brought back my anatomy again, stopping the LS for a long while. I’ve had more than one treatment by him. It’s been 5 years since the last and I need to go back soon. (Last year my highly rated urogynocologist in Phx did two costly laser procedures with big promises and zero results. The LS was back in full force within 4 weeks. I won’t be making that mistake again.

I’m sorry you have this diagnosis. Just know LS IS manageable, and look to this forum for helpful ideas.

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