Non arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy

Posted by Pedie @pedie, May 22, 2017

Over the past month 55 year old son has lost vision in one eye. He has seen an ophthalmologist, had an MRI, was told that nothing can be done. Are there any treatments for this.

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Wills Eye Hospital in Philly the best.


Hi there if you have damage to your optic nerve there is a possibility that stem cell treatment will help you. I know of advice stem cell clinic treatment centers in India Indonesia Thailand the USA and there is even one here in South Africa where I live stop


How I wish this was available for all of us affected.


Unilateral here. Lost ce tral vision in my left eye. Nothing can fix it.


Unilateral here. Lost ce tral vision in my left eye. Nothing can fix it.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost vision in my left from NAION and last eye visit has me at 20/200 vision in that eye. So far good vision in the fellow eye. This is the worst disease with no options for treatment. I've been to two neuro-ophthalmologists and they confirmed the diagnosis and wished me well (they were kind, but couldn't do anymore than diagnosis the condition). Stem cell surgery might be an option at some point in the future; however, research costs money and this condition is fairly rare so I'm guessing the money is just not there. It's shocking to go to bed with good health and wait up to no/limited vision. It's been a year and I still feel like I should be in a better place to accept this, but still not there. The fear of losing my vision in the other eye is a daily fear. There is nothing I can really do health-wise to alleviate the anxiety since I don't have any of the risk factors. Sometimes I feel like a sitting duck...just waiting.


Hello everyone,
I was diagnosed with NAION one week ago at Mass General Emergency Eye Hospital. My right eye is affected with grey clouding that gives me very little vision. I am seeing a specialist on Tuesday and booked another doctor at the end of April for a second opinion.
I am a 61 year old male Brit that has lived in the US since 1988. I am absolutely terrified with this diagnosis especially because there is no cure or treatment. I am a graphic designer so vision loss is my worst nightmare. I just wanted to connect with other people in the same situation and not feel so alone in this. Sending positive energy to you all,

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I was diagnosed with NAION at Mass general yesterday. They set me up with a follow up appointment with a neuro opthomologist in 6 weeks. Not sure where I go from here. Any input would be appreciated as this is pretty scary


Thanks for the link Jamie. I'll check out the study when I get a chance. The ophthalmologist I first went to and saw three times,--initial visit, results of lab tests and then MRI, reported her diagnosis and then said "take care of yourself." She did offer to refer me to a neuro ophthalmologist who saw me twice. His suggestion was to take a daily baby aspirin and perhaps have my gp do a sleep study on me. My partner can attest I do not have sleep apnea and I'm hesitating to take aspririn every day. I am taking resveratrol daily, based on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist who is a physician for a friend of my mother's. I have been doing acupuncture and Chinese herbs. The western medicine folks all say there is no treatment for NAION and hopefully I won't have an occurrence in my other eye. Thanks for your interest!

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