Anyone tried Gabapentin for Fibromyalgia?

Posted by ripley @ripley, Oct 18, 2023

I've had fibromyalgia for almost two years. Each flare seems to get progressively worse. I'm trying to figure out what medication to try with the least amount of side effects and withdrawal issues. Has anyone tried Gabapentin? If so, what was your experience?

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So you only take it as needed? What dose do you take? Once you are pain free after 3 days of taking it, do you stop taking it then? Thanks.

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Since she prescribed it for arthritis and it wasn’t helping I had stopped taking it. Then my sciatica flared up I took two. First day it still hurts but you can walk. Etc each day better usually three days.

It’s suppose to be taken daily.

I used to have tramadol for arthritis. It is also prescribed for fiber myalgia. But the dr said “they” said she had to take all her patients off their pain meds. Don’t believe a word she says. So she gave me gabapentin instead.

So I have to do what I need to do to be able to mother lives with me and she’s 94.

I was taking the gabapentin when I woke up with the side of my face inflamed. I took two more and by morning I still was in pain but it was buffered. So three pills that night. The first one did not prevent the flare. After taking two the first night I drop down to one until gone.

It’s for nerve pain and spasms.

Hope this helps you.

She ignores my fibromyalgia.


So you only take it as needed? What dose do you take? Once you are pain free after 3 days of taking it, do you stop taking it then? Thanks.

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I do stop but that isn’t what is prescribed. It’s suppose to be daily or nightly I guess I should say. My dr ignores my FM and prescribed it for arthritis. It didn’t help.

It didn’t keep the flare ups away on daily use. But taking two and then one until gone works for me.

Ask your dr. I get panicky when I have a flare because my 94 year old mother lives with me and no matter what is going on with my body I still have to care for her.


What dose are you on? I read that your body gets used to the drug so you have to continually increase the dose. Have you experienced this? Thanks.

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Not yet but I don’t take it as prescribed which is nightly. It doesn’t help my arthritis.
But once in a flare up it does calm it down. I’ve had a flare up last a month. So three days is a blessing.


What dose are you on? I read that your body gets used to the drug so you have to continually increase the dose. Have you experienced this? Thanks.

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In reply to @ironspjmom "300MG" + (show)

Right now 300 3 times a day, they say that I have Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Symptom.


yes, ive taken it, but right now my doctor has me on lyrica and zoloft. lyrica was a life changer for me, yes i still have flare ups which hot showers seem to help & compression gloves since i get it in my hands bad. my doctor also prescribed auqa therapy too .
the gabapentin was fine really not that bad side effects. same with lyrica. but id definitely watch cymbalta because that threw me for a loop & its very hard to come off of


yes, ive taken it, but right now my doctor has me on lyrica and zoloft. lyrica was a life changer for me, yes i still have flare ups which hot showers seem to help & compression gloves since i get it in my hands bad. my doctor also prescribed auqa therapy too .
the gabapentin was fine really not that bad side effects. same with lyrica. but id definitely watch cymbalta because that threw me for a loop & its very hard to come off of

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Do you have fibro? If so, what symptoms did Lyrica help with, and what dose are you on? Thanks.


Do you have fibro? If so, what symptoms did Lyrica help with, and what dose are you on? Thanks.

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I ran into side effects with Gabapentin 250 mg 3x a day. It caused anxiousness that interfered with daily life. Also tried Lyrica for a week, but I was so tired, there was no way I could drive a car. I am very sensitive to drugs.


I ran into side effects with Gabapentin 250 mg 3x a day. It caused anxiousness that interfered with daily life. Also tried Lyrica for a week, but I was so tired, there was no way I could drive a car. I am very sensitive to drugs.

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Gabapentin didn’t help.


I love my evening dose 300-500 mg of gab.It helps my restless legs and is calming.

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