Biopsy Needed For Lungs

Posted by dablues82 @dablues82, May 6 11:38am

I had a Pet Scan and my dr. said twice he thought it was Cancer and I need a lung biopsy and to call the next day to set up an appointment. I live in Schenectady, formerly down in GA. Well I called last wee, I called today and can't get a live person. All I hear is leave a message and we will get back to you in 5 to 7 days regarding your problem. I have no idea what to do now. Called my dr's office and the girl said she would see if she can get me into Albany Med Hospital for the test and someone would get back to me. How long should I wait. To me, I've not felt well since last May, they accidently found the nodules on my lungs in October, and here it is May a year later and I still don't know what is going on. Where can I go to get a biopsy. Are all hospitals that understaffed and lack of medical equipment as I'm told. I am very nervous about this. I thought when I moved to NYS I would get better health options but evidently not!

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One thing I'm not taking Chemo. Not at my age!

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I never took Chemo either. I never had cancer, so there was no reason for me to have it.


Surgery is the only cure. Due to a large tumor i had my entire left lung removed when i was 75. I’m doing well now, playing golf multiple times each week. No mountain climbing though


Surgery is the only cure. Due to a large tumor i had my entire left lung removed when i was 75. I’m doing well now, playing golf multiple times each week. No mountain climbing though

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Thanks for the info. I have no idea what state I'm in or what is going on. The pulmonary doctor couldn't answer my questions on the pathology report as he didn't know the answers and he wanted to know why I wanted a seconed opinion of that report and I explained why. I won't trust that report without an independent second opinion.


I never took Chemo either. I never had cancer, so there was no reason for me to have it.

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Did they tell you that you had Cancer?


Did they tell you that you had Cancer?

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no, I was replying before about having biopsy. Then someone asked if I had Chemo. I had pulmonary fibrosis. Never had cancer. They take biopsy's every so often to determine if you are having a rejection, There are more reasons to take a biopsy other than cancer.


Thanks for the info. I have no idea what state I'm in or what is going on. The pulmonary doctor couldn't answer my questions on the pathology report as he didn't know the answers and he wanted to know why I wanted a seconed opinion of that report and I explained why. I won't trust that report without an independent second opinion.

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Your best results will be from a major cancer center. Anderson, Sloan Kettering, Mayo Clinic, Dana Farber, etc


Did they tell you that you had Cancer?

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Did they tell you that you had Cancer but didn't?


no, I was replying before about having biopsy. Then someone asked if I had Chemo. I had pulmonary fibrosis. Never had cancer. They take biopsy's every so often to determine if you are having a rejection, There are more reasons to take a biopsy other than cancer.

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I'm sorry I missed your answer and then asked the question again. I wanted a second opinion on the pathology report but it looks like I would have to go to NYC or out State to get one. That is ridiculous! I was told that their pathologists were excellent and didn't make mistakes. Probably true but that doesn't mean I believe until a second opinion is done, especially when my hubby's pathology reprot was not correct. So it looks like I won't be having one done. It's in God's hands anyways.


I'm sorry I missed your answer and then asked the question again. I wanted a second opinion on the pathology report but it looks like I would have to go to NYC or out State to get one. That is ridiculous! I was told that their pathologists were excellent and didn't make mistakes. Probably true but that doesn't mean I believe until a second opinion is done, especially when my hubby's pathology reprot was not correct. So it looks like I won't be having one done. It's in God's hands anyways.

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I would definitively get a second opinion. Most good doctors are not offended if you say you want a second opinion, because they know that you will be more active in your care.


I would suggest seeing if your doctor can get you a referral to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, NY it’s not to far and they have the equipment and doctors to complete a biopsy, If your doctor can refer you to a Pulmonologist there that would be where to start. I had a persistent cough and I got a referral to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, and they were able to complete a brocoscopy with biopsies.
Hope this helps,

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Hi. Just so you know, the Rochester Mayo Clinic is in Rochester, MN, not New York.

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