Chronic painful muscle knots, widespread

Posted by 1k194 @1k194, Nov 6, 2023

Has anyone else experienced widespread, painful muscle knots that literally never go away?

For years now I’ve had many painful knots in several areas of my body. I have tried ice, heat, muscle relaxers, over the counter pain medication, and massage/trigger point pressure and NOTHING helps. My spouse can find dozens of hard knots in my face, head, jaw, neck, upper back and shoulders, back, arms and legs. The knots are always there, cause pain without touching the area and cause unbearable pain that is nauseating if pressure is applied to the knot(s). My spouse tries to massage them the make the knot release but it doesn’t help; I just can’t stand the pain and it quickly becomes nauseating. Sometimes the general pain of it (pain that is present without pressing on the knots) is so bad it keeps me awake at night.

What could be causing these knots and pain and what can be done to relieve it?

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Anxiety was my worst enemy- yes I have a condition but I was running anxiety in the background all day every day. I was a Gordian knot. I take a low dose of benzo before bed. I still have cramps etc but those knots from hell are taking a nap for now and I’m grateful

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I’m doing pretty well with my knots now too, since I started talk therapy. I do have tennis elbow, but it’s improving. I definitely think my daily workouts help.


You may try to find a way to detach emotionally from your pain. I know his dang hard it is . I also know how liberating it is.


My constant "knots" are in my neck, shoulders, tops of arms, hips and back due to my chronic high level of anxiety - despite medications for my mental health issues. But that is not the only culprit. Of course I could list multiple suggestions/activities to reduce stress/anxiety but you already know them. Already mentioned is meditation (to detach) and daily exercise (walking?) not only for the body - but for the mind...increases those feel good endorphins.
Your particular "knot" condition sounds particularly alarming. In my humble opinion, mental health issues and obviously physical health issues all must be ruled out (one by one) to, hopefully, find a cause.
Having said that, I know for a fact, chronic high levels of cortisol/adrenaline in the body due to an unmanaged serious anxiety disorder can and does affect the "body" in more ways that I can tell you. Constant stress/anxiety is a killer and the root cause of so many physical diseases. The mind-body connection undeniable. Are you in therapy/see a psychiatrist? (I believe you most certainly should be). Do you have multiple layers of trauma in your life? Physically, possible other causes...are you on cholesterol-lowing medications? (could affect the body severely). Do you have an autoimmune disorder? Have you ever tried trigger point injections? (the effects are only short term). Have you seen a pain management specialist? Rheumatologist? (I would start here first in addition to mental health support). Think back to when this particular "knot" condition started years ago...can you identify a trigger? Even if "seemingly" small? Or was there a major change in your life? Happy or sad? Doesn't really matter IF it somehow affected your "mind"...what does your PCP say about your presentation? Helpful or not? You might want to do some real investigating...such as researching "rare" diseases. Maybe you are there? I would also consider, if you continue to be at a dead end with your ongoing pain condition, to call one of the 2 top medical clinics in the country.
The Mayo Clinic or The Cleveland Clinic. They both have pain management specialists/departments & located in different areas of the country.
Yes, it might be a huge inconvenience to travel there, expensive, referrals may be needed, etc. but at this point in your life it sounds like to me you have NO quality of life.
Do you wish to continue to live the rest of your life as it is now?
Only you can answer that. To me it's a no brainer.
I wish you all the very best in finding answers to your never-ending life of pain. Don't give up faith and hope.


I also have those knots on my legs. o do floor pilates and walk about 4-5 c week.its not enough and in the new year plan to do more. i need to lose
10 lbs i think for me it would hel. i also had severe life change issues and suffer anxiety . I have dealt with much loss in my life. I thought I was the only person experiencing this Thank you for writing in i wish you a better year ahead w many blessings


Anxiety was my worst enemy- yes I have a condition but I was running anxiety in the background all day every day. I was a Gordian knot. I take a low dose of benzo before bed. I still have cramps etc but those knots from hell are taking a nap for now and I’m grateful

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What is Benzo? Prescription drug?


What is Benzo? Prescription drug?

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Have any of you tried acupuncture? Or seen a chiropractor? I should also say it’s imperative you seek the best of these two alternative therapies and do research in finding the best. The chiropractor I see has several therapies. When I hurt my back re, he stretched my legs/hip areas in various directions and also did some acupuncture. The knots press on nerves that cause the pain. It’s very therapeutic.
Best to you all!


I certainly don't know but Co-Q-10 helps me tremendously with muscle cramps. Wondering if it would help you.


Have any of you tried acupuncture? Or seen a chiropractor? I should also say it’s imperative you seek the best of these two alternative therapies and do research in finding the best. The chiropractor I see has several therapies. When I hurt my back re, he stretched my legs/hip areas in various directions and also did some acupuncture. The knots press on nerves that cause the pain. It’s very therapeutic.
Best to you all!

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I got a massage yesterday, from gentle hands, and it helps greatly. I'm going to try and get these once a month. I have knots in my upper back. Praying for you all....


Oh, I forgot to add that I work out 5-6 days a week, cardio and 3 days weights. I feel great and have energy….but the muscle knots persist. It’s frustrating.

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Good for you Celia. Great balance between strength and cardio. I do the same - spin for cardio and a rowing machine now and then. Feel great but do get knots in my back, usually the rhomboids. Good excuse for a massage!


My mother in law had knots like you describe and hers were caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis. Could that be the cause of yours?

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