Which doctor treats non-Hodgkin lymphoma? Oncologist or Hematologist?

Posted by babu123 @babu123, May 19, 2024

Which doctor should receive treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma? oncologist or hematologist?

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Actually I faced some problems before chemotherapy such as vomiting and abdominal pain, that's why I was admitted to the clinic two days ago. I will stay in the clinic for 5 days in total, during which my fish test report will come and the next decision will be taken by the doctors.
Ja it’s given by IV

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Good morning, @babu123. I hope you continue to do well with your treatment. I know this can be very daunting in the beginning when you don’t know what to expect. But it sounds like you have very good doctors taking are of you. So hang in there!


Actually I faced some problems before chemotherapy such as vomiting and abdominal pain, that's why I was admitted to the clinic two days ago. I will stay in the clinic for 5 days in total, during which my fish test report will come and the next decision will be taken by the doctors.
Ja it’s given by IV

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I’m sorry you are having issues but glad that you are inpatient. Have they started the chemotherapy yet?
Fingers crossed for the best possible outcome.


My husband was told he had Metastatic Sarcoma, but now they are saying B cell lymphoma. I pray he will be ok, praying for everyone in these groups.


My husband was told he had Metastatic Sarcoma, but now they are saying B cell lymphoma. I pray he will be ok, praying for everyone in these groups.

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Good morning, @yrobertson. Life just goes clicking along and then, swoosh, someone pulls the rug right out from under you and leaves you stunned, unable to move forward. I know exactly how that feels because a similar, unexpected cancer did the same thing to me 5 years ago. The good news is there are treatments which may help us get beyond the cancer diagnosis and back to living a healthy life again.

Your husband’s diagnosis turned out to be a type of blood cancer in the lymph system called B-Cell lymphoma. He’ll mostly likely have a few more tests run to determine the specific type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma as there are several sub-types of B-cell lymphoma. Once he has the conformation, your husband’s hematologist oncologist will be able to direct a specific treatment for your husband’s condition.

You’ll learn much more about his condition and treatment options during your husband’s next consultation. I know you’ll have a lot of questions so take your time and write them down now as you think of them. We all have a tendency to forget what we wanted to ask when we’re sitting with the doctor. So having that list will help you stay on track during the consult.

There are so many of us in the forum who have had blood cancers and we’re here to offer encouragement and hope to anyone going through a similar journey. When you find out the specific type of lymphoma, I’ll be happy to connect you with those members who will be able to offer support to you and your husband. Will you let me know what you find out please?


Good morning, @yrobertson. Life just goes clicking along and then, swoosh, someone pulls the rug right out from under you and leaves you stunned, unable to move forward. I know exactly how that feels because a similar, unexpected cancer did the same thing to me 5 years ago. The good news is there are treatments which may help us get beyond the cancer diagnosis and back to living a healthy life again.

Your husband’s diagnosis turned out to be a type of blood cancer in the lymph system called B-Cell lymphoma. He’ll mostly likely have a few more tests run to determine the specific type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma as there are several sub-types of B-cell lymphoma. Once he has the conformation, your husband’s hematologist oncologist will be able to direct a specific treatment for your husband’s condition.

You’ll learn much more about his condition and treatment options during your husband’s next consultation. I know you’ll have a lot of questions so take your time and write them down now as you think of them. We all have a tendency to forget what we wanted to ask when we’re sitting with the doctor. So having that list will help you stay on track during the consult.

There are so many of us in the forum who have had blood cancers and we’re here to offer encouragement and hope to anyone going through a similar journey. When you find out the specific type of lymphoma, I’ll be happy to connect you with those members who will be able to offer support to you and your husband. Will you let me know what you find out please?

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Thank you so much, this is very hard.


Thank you so much, this is very hard.

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Oh gosh, I know this is very hard for both you and your husband. It’s difficult to fathom anytime we hear the word cancer or leukemia. We immediately fear the worst and our head’s fill with every horrible conversation we’ve ever heard or read about cancer. I’m here to toss out a lifeline of hope for you. I dealt with the worst…faced it head on and you know what? While it wasn’t a walk on the beach at the time, the worst had no power over me! I’m now in a durable remission and all that worry was for nothing. It did change my perspective to where my life is a little more in order in the background such as financials, documents, passwords, etc., so my daughter won’t have an impossible task later on. Because wow, I realized I’m not immortal.

But I don’t waste a minute of my life worrying about ‘what if” anymore. I’ve been given a 2nd chance and I don’t take that for granted. While a diagnosis can be frightening and obviously life altering it doesn’t mean the end. Things may be different for a while but we can be overcomers! ☺️
Our bodies are made for healing and with the proper treatments they can help us get rid of the offending nuisance…which honestly, that’s what these cancer cells are…a nuisance. So look at any treatment coming up as a means to nuking these pests or taking out the trash so that your husband can get back to his former healthy self.
When is his next appointment?


Actually I faced some problems before chemotherapy such as vomiting and abdominal pain, that's why I was admitted to the clinic two days ago. I will stay in the clinic for 5 days in total, during which my fish test report will come and the next decision will be taken by the doctors.
Ja it’s given by IV

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Just checking in to see how treatment is going. Hoping for the best possible outcome for you.

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