I have Celiac Desease

Posted by janiewhitemoon @janiewhitemoon, Oct 6, 2022

Is there any others with Celiac??

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Have you tried the 'Glutino' line of products?
They have an 'Oreo ' cookie that is addictive.
Don't know if they are available in the U.S., but maybe online?
...and No, I'm not a shareholder!

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I have! I have to say “get thee behind me, Satan.”
There are now Nabisco gluten free Oreos.
I have to keep thinking about my A1C and visualize my endocrinologist’s finger wagging at me.


After fighting different GI issues my whole life, 7 years ago I was diagnosed with CD at the age of 56. I am very reactive to cross-contamination of gluten and it is a daily battle. My “intestines” can react “aggressively” within 30 minutes, but the increased brain fog and fatigue can last for a week to 10 days. Yes, GF alternatives are out there, but many are not very tasty or healthy for you. Oreo GF version #1 was a no-go for me as I reacted to them. Version #2 has been a win, so far… We are all different in our sensitivity or reactiveness, so having support and encouragement is awesome, but we must be our own strong advocate.


After fighting different GI issues my whole life, 7 years ago I was diagnosed with CD at the age of 56. I am very reactive to cross-contamination of gluten and it is a daily battle. My “intestines” can react “aggressively” within 30 minutes, but the increased brain fog and fatigue can last for a week to 10 days. Yes, GF alternatives are out there, but many are not very tasty or healthy for you. Oreo GF version #1 was a no-go for me as I reacted to them. Version #2 has been a win, so far… We are all different in our sensitivity or reactiveness, so having support and encouragement is awesome, but we must be our own strong advocate.

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@michaelens I know you’ve been around Connect for several year, but this is your first comment. So, welcome! Sounds like you’ve had real problems until now. How have you managed CD since diagnosis?


Actually, Oreo has GF Oreos as well now. A bit too much sugar for me but they look like Oreos.

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Yes, they are not nearly as good.... you're right way too much sugar.
My non-GF friends love the Glutino ones... so do I !


Actually, Oreo has GF Oreos as well now. A bit too much sugar for me but they look like Oreos.

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Yes, have tried those.... the Glutino is far and away better!
I don't buy them often, because they are too delicious!!

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