Biopsy Needed For Lungs

Posted by dablues82 @dablues82, May 6 11:38am

I had a Pet Scan and my dr. said twice he thought it was Cancer and I need a lung biopsy and to call the next day to set up an appointment. I live in Schenectady, formerly down in GA. Well I called last wee, I called today and can't get a live person. All I hear is leave a message and we will get back to you in 5 to 7 days regarding your problem. I have no idea what to do now. Called my dr's office and the girl said she would see if she can get me into Albany Med Hospital for the test and someone would get back to me. How long should I wait. To me, I've not felt well since last May, they accidently found the nodules on my lungs in October, and here it is May a year later and I still don't know what is going on. Where can I go to get a biopsy. Are all hospitals that understaffed and lack of medical equipment as I'm told. I am very nervous about this. I thought when I moved to NYS I would get better health options but evidently not!

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@dablues82, one step at a time. The biopsy is a good next step. Do you know what type of biopsy they are planning for; bronchoscopy where they'll go down the throat?

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No, needle biopsy. That's a bit scary especially at my age


The respirologist where I live, (Barrie, Ontario) told me that I needed a biopsy, but they did a bronchoscopy to take a biopsy of the nodules. The nice part is that it’s just light sedation, but you don’t remember any of it.
Hopefully, they will choose that for you💗


No, needle biopsy. That's a bit scary especially at my age

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@dablues82 , I hope the procedure goes well and gives you and your doctors the info that you all need to make some decisions moving forward. Thinking of you today, let us know how it went.


It came back possitive for cancer. This is the report: Final Diagnosis
View trends
A. Lung, Left Upper Lobe Nodule, Core Needle Biopsy:
Adenocarcinoma, moderately to poorly differentiated, consistent with pulmonary origin; see comment.

The biopsy shows lung tissue infiltrated by cytologically malignant epithelioid cells forming glands with some possible solid areas. Immunostains show that the malignant cells are positive for CK7, CEA, TTF-1, and Napsin, and are negative for GATA3 and p63.

The findings are consistent with pulmonary adenocarcinoma, which shows acinar and possibly solid architectural patterns in this material.


The respirologist where I live, (Barrie, Ontario) told me that I needed a biopsy, but they did a bronchoscopy to take a biopsy of the nodules. The nice part is that it’s just light sedation, but you don’t remember any of it.
Hopefully, they will choose that for you💗

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I had a needle biopsy and of course the lung collapsed. They sent me home with a partial collapse and I got my report tonight which is cancern. Here is the report. Final Diagnosis
View trends
A. Lung, Left Upper Lobe Nodule, Core Needle Biopsy:
Adenocarcinoma, moderately to poorly differentiated, consistent with pulmonary origin; see comment.

The biopsy shows lung tissue infiltrated by cytologically malignant epithelioid cells forming glands with some possible solid areas. Immunostains show that the malignant cells are positive for CK7, CEA, TTF-1, and Napsin, and are negative for GATA3 and p63.

The findings are consistent with pulmonary adenocarcinoma, which shows acinar and possibly solid architectural patterns in this material.


How did you make out at your appointment?

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Came back positive for cancer: Here is the report: Final Diagnosis
A. Lung, Left Upper Lobe Nodule, Core Needle Biopsy:
Adenocarcinoma, moderately to poorly differentiated, consistent with pulmonary origin; see comment.

The biopsy shows lung tissue infiltrated by cytologically malignant epithelioid cells forming glands with some possible solid areas. Immunostains show that the malignant cells are positive for CK7, CEA, TTF-1, and Napsin, and are negative for GATA3 and p63.

The findings are consistent with pulmonary adenocarcinoma, which shows acinar and possibly solid architectural patterns in this material.


It came back possitive for cancer. This is the report: Final Diagnosis
View trends
A. Lung, Left Upper Lobe Nodule, Core Needle Biopsy:
Adenocarcinoma, moderately to poorly differentiated, consistent with pulmonary origin; see comment.

The biopsy shows lung tissue infiltrated by cytologically malignant epithelioid cells forming glands with some possible solid areas. Immunostains show that the malignant cells are positive for CK7, CEA, TTF-1, and Napsin, and are negative for GATA3 and p63.

The findings are consistent with pulmonary adenocarcinoma, which shows acinar and possibly solid architectural patterns in this material.

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@dablues82 , I’m sorry to hear this, and wish you would have received better news. For now, focus on what’s right in front of you, the collapsed lung, be aware of any changes in your breathing. Which is tough I’m sure. It hard to breathe normally when you get news like this.
Generally the next step would be a PET scan. When is your next appointment where you can ask some additional questions? Hugs.


Came back positive for cancer: Here is the report: Final Diagnosis
A. Lung, Left Upper Lobe Nodule, Core Needle Biopsy:
Adenocarcinoma, moderately to poorly differentiated, consistent with pulmonary origin; see comment.

The biopsy shows lung tissue infiltrated by cytologically malignant epithelioid cells forming glands with some possible solid areas. Immunostains show that the malignant cells are positive for CK7, CEA, TTF-1, and Napsin, and are negative for GATA3 and p63.

The findings are consistent with pulmonary adenocarcinoma, which shows acinar and possibly solid architectural patterns in this material.

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Make a list of questions for your next appointment (and everyone after that). When I get to the doctor's office I will forget some of the questions until my drive home and I am a person that used to be able to remember details of up to 100 accounts without looking anything up.


@dablues82 , I’m sorry to hear this, and wish you would have received better news. For now, focus on what’s right in front of you, the collapsed lung, be aware of any changes in your breathing. Which is tough I’m sure. It hard to breathe normally when you get news like this.
Generally the next step would be a PET scan. When is your next appointment where you can ask some additional questions? Hugs.

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I had a pet scan before the biopsy.


Make a list of questions for your next appointment (and everyone after that). When I get to the doctor's office I will forget some of the questions until my drive home and I am a person that used to be able to remember details of up to 100 accounts without looking anything up.

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One thing I'm not taking Chemo. Not at my age!

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