Swollen cancerous lymph nodes… no tumor

Posted by abes1068 @abes1068, Jun 2, 2024

I’ve had CT scan and endoscopy and full physical throat check. Biopsy on lymph nodes says SCC. Still no tumour found. Anyone else experience this? I’m seeing ENT oncologist Friday.

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First off not a doctor but I assume the lymph nodes that had SCC were in the neck? Is it HPV 16? I have heard SCC travels normally to the nearest lymph nodes. It can be harder to detect when at an early stage and can hide behind tonsil areas, etc I would think a PET scan would light up the area of the tumor no matter how small. I would ask your ENT. There is also a NavDax blood test that can detect HPV-driven blood cancer.


Yes p16+. Which I’ve read is a good thing. I’ll be getting a pet scan Friday so hopefully it shows up on that. Thx


Yes, I had the same situation when SCC finally showed up from a right-neck dissection being done and it ended up then a PET-SCAN showed I had a tumor at the base of my tongue below my epiglottis. But not before, ENT NP/ then doctors, took 3 months jerking me around doing throat scopes, a swollen lymph node FNA, (2) major Laryngoscopy procedures, (under general anesthesia both times), and finally the right neck dissection in which they removed 20 lymph nodes, with one testing positive for SCC, in “trying” to get a diagnosis as to why I was having a swallowing difficulty. That was in 2022. I’m still here thankfully after then having 33 sessions of radiation, six weeks of chemo, and a feeding/hydration G-tube inserted in my stomach that looks like will be permanent. Good luck!


It’s always been my understanding that lymph nodes are the filters of the body, collection points for bad stuff. Tonsils are also part of the lymph system. If you have cancer cells developing, they collect often in the lymph system or on the side of muscle tissue in the case of SSC, which is basically oral skin cells.
It looks like it was discovered early but my question would be, why the test in the first place? What was going on that prompted a visit for such an examination?


Swollen hard lymph node for several months. I’m getting TORS surgery in a month. Any others get TORS? Thoughts?


Had TORS in August of last year. 6 weeks of recovery then 36 rads and 6 chemo. Mayo was excellent and they took lymph nodes out of both sides in order to determine only one side needed radiation. That was a great move as it minimized the damage but still lost 40 lbs and still having issues such as nerve damage, left shoulder, first bite syndrome and hearing loss from Cisplatin


Had TORS in August of last year. 6 weeks of recovery then 36 rads and 6 chemo. Mayo was excellent and they took lymph nodes out of both sides in order to determine only one side needed radiation. That was a great move as it minimized the damage but still lost 40 lbs and still having issues such as nerve damage, left shoulder, first bite syndrome and hearing loss from Cisplatin

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If you read my earlier post I’ve been through the chemo and radiation feeding tube traechea and finally to help repair the damaged caused by radiation I went for 60 Hyperbaric treatment and can’t say enough about it Check it out get a consultation it will probably be the best move you’ll ever make I’m living proof Wish you the best


So you are scheduled for TORS in a month? I assume for a neck dissection to remove Lymph Nodes as no tumor has been found? I would assume the PET scan on Friday MAY find an area in your throat they will address with TORS as well. Yes, you are very correct HPV 16 is good news for you as far as a cancer to have and It appears yours was caught early as well. To answer your questions here was my TORS short story..
I was diagnosed with HPV16+ OSCC in March 2023. I had TORS robotic surgery April 2023. I had a right neck dissection with all lymph nodes removed and TORS surgery to remove primary tumor of 3cm at base of tongue. . All margins clear. I completed 30 rounds of Proton Radiation. I had no Chemo. The biggest issue I had was dysphagia and Not being about to swallow (eat or drink) for about two weeks after surgery. I would recommend to start doing mouth, tongue and swallowing exercises. If you have a Speech therapist they can help you with this. I think the chin into my chest and HARD swallow helped me initially get a few things down and then It got easier to swallow. I had alot of mucous/saliva where you feel like you are almost drowning and It was hard to eat and drink for a month or so. Then Started with soft foods and Boost drinks. Soup, eggs, bananas, etc. You actually "forget" how to swallow once you go awhile without doing it. You will need to force yourself and work hard at it . As of today about 14 months from TORS and 10 months from radiation I am back to about 90% . My scans and blood work over the last 9 months have all been negative. It is a tough journey but a very winnable battle. Faith goes a long way. Good luck!

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