five years of cpap and still having problems

Posted by scspalding @scspalding, Jun 2 4:06pm

I have been using air res med for five years. Have tried all the masks. Still showing 12-37 events a night. Wake up exhausted!! Tired of being tired. Have had four sleep studies with the same results. Moderate to severe. Does anyone have any info on the Inspire procedure?

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Did you have an over-night polysomnography? Do you recall what the AHI result was? Did you have a registered respiration therapist fit you? Has your therapy been monitored for any length of time?

Something has gone wrong, and I'm inclined to forget the masks, or other devices and implants. Their track record is far worse than a properly fitted, and adjusted, PAP therapy appliance and its accessories.

Did you find They have skilled and experienced members there who offer coaching and will help you to get the most out of your therapy. For example, without knowing your prescription, the machine's current settings, or what your diagnosis was during a proper overnight sleep lab, it's hard for anyone to help you, but almost nobody here will have much good to say about the implantables and other appliances meant to improve your sleep if this forum parallels apneaboard even partly. The only other fix for you might be surgery, such as an adenoidectomy or some other procedure, maybe nasal polyp removal in the possibility that they are present, and so on. Do you have a badly deviated septum? I could go on, but really, I'd like to understand the nature of your trials to date, what you have tried, and where you think the limits are?


Hi I am the same. I feel the same in the morning. Last night I didn't wear it, woke up feeling a lot better. Go figure ha

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