← Return to Hoarse voice for 14 months (and other symptoms) hope I'm not alone

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hoarseofcourse, God Bless You and praying right now.

1) Have you had COVID? It left me with sticky thick mucousy stuff in the back of my throat. I constantly cleared my throat. It has gotten better, but, not completely gone.
2) Have you been to a gastroenterologist? Silent Reflux can mimic what you are talking about with hoarseness. This can be greatly improved by going on an acid reducer. A gastroenterologist may do an endoscopy on you to see down in the throat & esophagus. There is nothing to it...you will be under mild sedation. I had this done last May and my esophagus needed dilating (food was getting stuck, so essentially he stretched my esophagus). I had so much thrush in my mouth from all the antibiotic and steroids I had to take for COVID pneumonia. He checked my esophagus for Candida and I did not have any. Constant throat clearing (I do that!) is a sign of reflux as well.

I am trying to encourage you to not think the worst on this. Please keep me posted on your progress. Hugs & Blessings....

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Replies to "hoarseofcourse, God Bless You and praying right now. 1) Have you had COVID? It left me..."

Thank you for the response, I really appreciate it. I haven't had covid yet thankfully (or at least never exhibited symptoms/tested positive for it).

I went to a gastroenterologist, but prior to all this happening as I have had issues in the past with acid reflux and had an endoscopy which showed nothing much but mild gastritis. That was 2+ years ago now though that I had it. I haven't been having any of my normal acid reflux symptoms throughout the last 14 months though since my hoarse voice and constant phlegm started.

I will ask the ENT at my next appointment on whether she would suggest seeing a gastro again. I may also ask for a big allergy test too. That is, of course, if she doesn't see anything on this trip back. I'll likely push for the CT scan too. I'm just so tired of feeling this way and not having my own voice for this long, not be able to talk for long without it getting sore/weak, and the throat clearing.

I did go on an acid reducer twice on my ENTs suggestion, but they did nothing even though I tried two kinds and a month of each.