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Well, what got me started and keeps me going is that I keep repeating to myself THIS IS WHAT IS GOING TO HELP KEEP ME ALIVE. As time has passed, have learned to LOVE ever part of it, although the hardest is the weight loss portion and that is because of the AI medication I take. I got a new oncologist, as my previous one moved away, and when I told him that my biggest struggle was losing weight, that I was exercising, monitoring what I ate, just as I described in my first post, and his response was "IT IS THE ANASTRAZOLE. It own't make you gain weight, but it makes it very hard to lose weight," I had already talked to my PCP about weight loss meds and he said to talk to the oncologist first. What I found out was the NEW wonder drugs are all hormone based, and with ER and PR positive breast cancer in my history NO HORMONES are allowed. So, my PCP put me on periodic intervals using Phentermine as an appetite suppressant and that has helped a lot. I also have increased the intensity of my workouts and general activity over time and plan to continue to do that as well. In all honesty, I am stronger and healthier NOW than I was in my 30s! My Breast Cancer doctors told me if I could bring my weight down my chances of recurrence would drop from 38% to 18%, so I see them in a couple of weeks, and I will be close to where they wanted me to be last year. Can't wait to see what they have to say now.

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Replies to "Well, what got me started and keeps me going is that I keep repeating to myself..."


Your a great example of advocating for your self. I had breast cancer and was on various hormonal drugs. While some people lose weight during chemo, I gained. Every drug has it side effect and can get frustrating. I am 5+ year out from cancer treatment and no longer on any cancer drugs.

I liked that you worked with multiple providers, PCP and oncologist to come up with a solution.

I hope your providers are impressed with your results, I am. Keep up the good work.