Long lasting hematoma on buttock

Posted by pkoss1 @pkoss1, Apr 7, 2023

Hi I fell down wood stairs almost 1 year ago, I had a horrible bruise, severe swelling on my right buttock. The swelling went down but the hematoma remained with a small bruise that is a half circle around the bottom of the hematoma. My concern is it’s has stayed this size for months. I’m wondering if this is permanent. Has this type of injury happened to anyone else?

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I had a very aggressive lumbar fusion on 4/7. At my follow-up appointment I asked why both butt cheeks hurt and the surgeon whom I adore admitted they fixed a 58 year old injury which required some intensive handling. The pain is now gone but I have a hematoma on my right butt cheek near the surgical site. I've been icing but it's not getting smaller. Actually, I'm now getting occasional knife-like pains sometimes when I move my right leg. Thankfully it's not all the time. I'm still using a walker and not driving. I have no family in the area so I'd have to ask someone to take off work to take me. Uber and Lyft would be about $50 one way to schedule appointment with surgeon.
Anyone experience the sharp knife like pain in their hematoma? I do have lupus anticoagulant (not lupus, a blood clotting issue), but blood clots are warm and this is not.

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@ksbottom, I thought I would check in to see if things have improved. Has the hematoma shrunk?


No, it has not. When my right butt cheek spasms I get sharp stabbing pain ... o much I can't move my right leg.


I also had a fall down some stairs almost 3 years ago now, hospital told me it would go away on its own and it still hasn't . it is still as large as it was originally (size of a head of cauliflower) but the bruising went away after a month or so. The bruise was instantly black and a perfect ring about 2" thick around the actual lump. it almost looks and feels as if I tore the muscle when making contact with each cement step on the way down, very definitive indent there, with the bottom bulge of lump above
A walk in clinic ordered an ultra sound, I went and never heard anything back. a surgeon I was referred to did an ultrasound and said there wasn't any fluid there so he wasn't sure what he was able to do for me and had no suggestions for what it was, or any further care or treatment plan.
3 years later I still get random shocks of pain from the lump and lower back aches if sitting too long. sometimes bruises show up at the bottom of the lump where the indent is, wondering if that means blood is pooling there or something...
very frustrating thing to deal with, especially after so long. last doctor I saw suggested maybe a plastic surgeon could help, as it has likely calcified by now, but the referrals always go thru with no contact back after months of waiting


Hi yes, I had a similar accident over 10 years ago in some metal stairs. The doctor said it would just go on its own. I went back & they said I will just have to manage with exercise & massage. It’s still there. Now I am getting concerned as I feel discomfort in my lower back & glute regarding this. Read some terrible things on the net: hoping it will not affect my spinal cord. Had acupuncture once & that helped but nothing permanent 🙁


Yes! I have this now. Sounds just like yours. It’s been almost 3 months and still have swelling, black marks etc. Has yours gone away now?


I had one on my left buttock from a fall that took well over 6 months to go away. The doctor said not to worry about it. In fact, it disappeared so gradually that I didn't realize it was gone until I read your post. Hopefully, yours will do the same.

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Thank you. This is very helpful. I have the same issue but it has only been a month. This gives me hope mine will be gone one day.


Thank you. This is very helpful. I have the same issue but it has only been a month. This gives me hope mine will be gone one day.

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Hi @danidonner, do you know how you got the hematoma?


I fell down wooden steps about 7 of them. I had a bruise like I've never seen before and instantly swelled up huge. It's been 2 months and I still have swelling above my buttocks. It's the size of about 4 eggs big one big mass still tender. I'm scared I'll have it forever. Did yours go away? Thanks sounds like we have same injury.


They do eventualy go away but mine were so big that it took almost 6 months to not notice anymore.

They had shrunk and were going lower into my abdomen and eventually they all went away. ( I had at least six of them)I don’t feel anything now.
While we’re on the subject of falling on our buttocks. I went to sit on the edge of the bed in the hospital and landed on my backbone after the bed moved because somebody forgot to lock it and it rolled backwards. I fell on my derrière and cracked my backbone and it’s never gone away. It’s milder now a few months later but I have to sit on each flank separetly as I can no longer sit and put pressure on it.

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@andytheman have you tried sitting on an inflated ring (a donut)?


I fell down wooden steps about 7 of them. I had a bruise like I've never seen before and instantly swelled up huge. It's been 2 months and I still have swelling above my buttocks. It's the size of about 4 eggs big one big mass still tender. I'm scared I'll have it forever. Did yours go away? Thanks sounds like we have same injury.

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Oh, I am sorry for your lingering pain - it won't last forever, but large hematomas can take a very long time to resolve. It is accumulated blood in the tissue, and the body must absorb it and break it down. Unfortunately, it is not an area with a very good blood supply. And with the continued pain it sounds like there might actually be a bruise or crack in a bone there as well.

Were you checked out after the fall to be sure nothing was broken?

At this stage, you can safely be patient for a while longer UNLESS the hematoma becomes hard, hot, red or painful, affects your ability to walk, sit or lie down - these are indications of a possible deeper problem. If you have a history of blood clots, are immunocompromised or have an active infection elsewhere in your body you should also at least have a phone consultation with your doctor about unusual risks.


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