Side effects of cortisone injection?

Posted by koleke @koleke, May 17, 2024

I had a cortisone injection in my left knee on Tuesday. By the evening I got a headache, felt like a migraine. Two days later the headache subsided but my right neck\jaw area has shooting pains coming at regular intervals. Has anyone experienced something similar? Not sure what to do about it????

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Yes looking at hemilamanectomy

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Interesting, thanks. That is the removal of structures/tissues putting pressure on the spinal nerves. The vertebrae are left intact.


Thanks, @heyjoe415 !

I will ask my surgeon who did my ACDF on my C5-C6 (for cervical spondylitic myelopathy affecting walking, bladder, arm/hand strength and dexterity) if he does laminating and if that would be an option. My quality of life has been poor, especially the last 5+ years. It is hard for me to stand, walk, sit, etc. for long and very limited in what I can do. If I do anything, it takes a day or more to recover (from pain/exhaustion).

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I’m new here. I have severe stenosis c4-5 5-6 fusion 35 years ago
Also c6-7 severe stenosis
I also have severe lumbar with l4-5 decompression 2 years ago
I have weird attacks of cramping spasms from hips to toes
Balance off
Does anyone else get these contraction like spasms
I feel doomed lately
Vic’s cats


I’m new here. I have severe stenosis c4-5 5-6 fusion 35 years ago
Also c6-7 severe stenosis
I also have severe lumbar with l4-5 decompression 2 years ago
I have weird attacks of cramping spasms from hips to toes
Balance off
Does anyone else get these contraction like spasms
I feel doomed lately
Vic’s cats

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I like your name! How many cats do you have? I am a foster and have 8 cats of my own and fostering a mother and her 3 kittens (8 days old) now.

At 54, I also have balance issues and cramping/stiffness in my hips and left calf in addition to pain, weakness, numbness in my lower back, hips, arms/legs, and hands/feet. My ACDF surgery on C5C6 in 2022 helped relieve some symptoms (bladder control, not feeling like walking with cement boots on, dropping things I would pick up, etc.) but my L2-S1 is causing me all sorts of problems. The injections help with pain but I am concerned about getting too many injections and long term impact on joints/cartilage. I am also afraid of getting surgery because I would need fusion to stabilize my lumbar spine which would restrict movement. Like Joe, I should work really hard to recover some core strength to help support my spine better. I just need to work through the pain, fatigue and depression which is a daily battle. It is hard for me to sit, stand, walk for long and hard to get up from bed, seated position or going up/down stairs. My knees are also “joining the pain party,” lucky me! 🙂

When was the last time you had MRIs of your cervical and lumbar spine? Do you know if your cervical spine is stable and not flattening or compressing/injuring your spinal cord? What does your lumbar spine show? Do you have new pressure on lumbar spine/S1 peripheral nerves since your surgery?


I am on Prednisone daily for PMR. All my joints are disintegrating and I will have my 4th joint replacement in a few weeks. I have had several cortisone injections into my joints and they usually helped the pain for a while but the additional steroid made me shaky, could not read my handwriting. Unsteady, nervous and shaky all over and increased my overall steroid load. Sleep was hard to come by. Probably no problem if you aren’t already taking steroids. No more injections for me.

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I'm sorry to hear about your situation Queenie. You are taking a lot of cortisone already in the form of Prednisone, and that may be causing the side effects. Four joint replacement, wow. Well I've had my knees done. Next up is my left shoulder. I'll put that off until it affects my daily life. So far it's manageable with a cortisone shot every 4 months, 6 months if I'm "lucky".

All the best to you. Joe


I am on Prednisone daily for PMR. All my joints are disintegrating and I will have my 4th joint replacement in a few weeks. I have had several cortisone injections into my joints and they usually helped the pain for a while but the additional steroid made me shaky, could not read my handwriting. Unsteady, nervous and shaky all over and increased my overall steroid load. Sleep was hard to come by. Probably no problem if you aren’t already taking steroids. No more injections for me.

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For years, I’ve suffered varying degrees of back pain. I did/do countless rounds of PT, which always help a bit. I had several injections back there and generally they help a lot.
About 10 years ago, after not being able to stand for long & walking was near impossible from my feet going DEAD after a few minutes. No relief from what used to work.
I knew I needed to try surgery, having put it off for nearly 20 years since it was first suggested.
I shopped surgeons, until an OR Nurse friend of mine advised me with her recommendation. The bone from lamectomy (?sp) was mixed with cadaver bone to create my L 3-4-5 fusion.
After healing & into PT, it was the best thing I ever did!
The back started to act up a few years ago, as my surgeon told me, from wear & tear above and below the fusion.
A bad injection at a pain clinic and COVID inactivity made pain & mobility difficult.
Today, with good injections and PT, I feel my strength and balance are improving.
Bottom line : surgery wasn’t the cure all for life, but it’s one of the best decisions I ever made.


I agree the injections are needed but good to know the risks of too many. I am 54 and they are doing the spinal injections to delay needing to get lumbar surgery (laminectomy/fusion L2-L5 and possibly S1) due to congenital severe spinal stenosis. They say I’m too young to get the surgery but other doctors say I should get it now due to being younger to recover front eh surgery.

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I had it done at 46 yrs old. L3,4,5 laminectomy then titanium cages 2 separate surgeries. Then at 50 I had my neck fused with more cages C2,3,4. I have recovered great and have full range of motion still some pain but manageable with exercise and medication. Best of luck to you. I am glad I did mine young to make recovery easier. It was not an easy surgery to recover from.


For years, I’ve suffered varying degrees of back pain. I did/do countless rounds of PT, which always help a bit. I had several injections back there and generally they help a lot.
About 10 years ago, after not being able to stand for long & walking was near impossible from my feet going DEAD after a few minutes. No relief from what used to work.
I knew I needed to try surgery, having put it off for nearly 20 years since it was first suggested.
I shopped surgeons, until an OR Nurse friend of mine advised me with her recommendation. The bone from lamectomy (?sp) was mixed with cadaver bone to create my L 3-4-5 fusion.
After healing & into PT, it was the best thing I ever did!
The back started to act up a few years ago, as my surgeon told me, from wear & tear above and below the fusion.
A bad injection at a pain clinic and COVID inactivity made pain & mobility difficult.
Today, with good injections and PT, I feel my strength and balance are improving.
Bottom line : surgery wasn’t the cure all for life, but it’s one of the best decisions I ever made.

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I love my injections
But have concern regarding wrecking myself. But then I say at 70 go ahead!


I had a nerve ablation on my lower back over a year ago. I have had no lower back pain since then, as my doctor said it could last 6 months or more. I was nervous about the pain of the procedure but it wasn't at all what I was expecting and I recovered very fast. If you haven't inquired about that possibility, ask your pain doctor. I would not be doing injections as the side effects of the injections can be bad for your body.


I love my injections
But have concern regarding wrecking myself. But then I say at 70 go ahead!

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75 here ditto


I had it done at 46 yrs old. L3,4,5 laminectomy then titanium cages 2 separate surgeries. Then at 50 I had my neck fused with more cages C2,3,4. I have recovered great and have full range of motion still some pain but manageable with exercise and medication. Best of luck to you. I am glad I did mine young to make recovery easier. It was not an easy surgery to recover from.

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I do not know anything about cages??!!

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