Info on Flexeril / cyclobenzaprine? helpful hints?
Hello, friends!
New doctor started me on Flexeril / cyclobenzaprine. 5 mg 3x/daily for back pain / arthritis-autoimmune.
What do you all think that I, as a new patient to this med, need to know about it?
I haven't been taking it that way. So far, few side effects.
I'm wondering if I should be taking this all the time, or just when I feel like it would help.
I've been dealing with pain for 30+ years and pretty much have gotten out of the habit of taking pain meds routinely because of allergies, etc. Mostly used topical treatments for a little relief, and rarely "big guns" when excruciating.
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I’ve taken flexoril since that was the name - decades ago. Seems it is relabeled now, but I still took it after lung surgery for muscle tension preventing sleep.
And I agree. I take virtually all meds for pain as a PRN med.
I have been on flexeril for 20 yrs was put on it after a car accident. I took 10mg at bedtime then my Dr made me go off it 5 yrs ago and put me on cbd, fast forward to Jan 2022 my spine fractured osteopenia went back on it at 5mg , currently I only take it when my pain is not tolerable. I take 1 advil ÷ daily now so don't take flexeril too often.
Hi, I take flexeril 10mg prn also tho it knocks me out and I'm in such pain, I right now take it every night. Its actually a good sleep med for many because its not addictive. I am not aware of any dangers with the med itself except the usual don't drive.
If you take it 3x/day and drive, you can still fall under driving under the influence. Just be careful because it does affect your cognition.
I would take meds all day. Spread it out so you take it an hour before bed. That's what I did to allow your muscles to relax.
Good luck
I feel hung over the next day & it’s hard to get started in the morning. So I stopped taking it
Yeah, I'm retired and more disabled right now from a fall so no reason I have to get ip? I'm aldo NOT a morning person tho my clock is way way off.
@fncz have you considered taking half?
It’s been years. After flex, I was on oxy-everything. I weaned myself off 440 mg/day. Only ones I take are anti inflammatory meds. .
Ah. Well Good.
5 mg is a starter dose. I've taken 10 mg. Also, I found, after taking it for years, that medicines like Flexeril and Tizanidine that act on the central nervous system, blocking pain sensations that would otherwise travel from sore and spasming muscles to the brain, make my pain worse. If it works for you at 5mg then stick with it. If it seems to stop working, check with your doctor.