Meniscus tear, severe arthritis, exercise waiting for TKR

Posted by minajo @minajo, May 22, 2024

Hi, 75 year old woman with 2 hip implants ( one 16 yr, metal with cobalt needing revision) other 7 years..
Knees, original, tho arthritis but recently fell smack on kneecaps, mri shows radial meniscus tear, had needle aspiration etc but on long wait list in Sacramento ca so after resting knee from fall, what kind of brace, exercise is best? Used to walk 2 miles with walking poles
Locks up often whe leg won't flex
or extend at all, but now with surgery at least 6 mos away, can i drive, etc.. its right knee that took brunt of fall!
Thanks to all!!

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So sorry. I can relate somewhat. I had a torn meniscus, but was only going to have it cleaned out. Trying to avoid it with PT. I don’t have arthritis though.


Hello! I am 'almost' 70, and I have a meniscus tear and after the horrible pain wore off after the meniscus tore, my pain didn't get much better, and the locking didn't stop until I had a debridement of the knee...but because I have no meniscus, I eventually developed osteoarthritis under my kneecap due to no meniscus. I was going to have the tear repaired but the doc saw the OA and just cleaned it up. The locking stopped, though, and that was great!
So unfortunately, I waited too long to have the repair. When the meniscus tears, total knee replacement is inevitable if you don't get the repair right away... BUT..I've put off TKR since August of 2022. I have cortisone injections every 3 months. Good luck!

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