Muscles don't seem able to repair themselves.

Posted by bradninchgirl @bradninchgirl, May 22, 2024

I was considered cured back in January of this year. But, It seems like my muscles are unable to repair themselves even after mild exercise. All my pain is in muscles not joints/bones. I have changed my supplements to address this. I take supplements for bone strength and it all helped a bit . I don’t know if it’s old age (79) or after effects of PMR or Prednisone. Anyone else have this problem? I am really disappointed as I had hoped to be pan free by now.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Most definitely can relate but then I'm a little older at 81. I take frequent breaks shoveling snow, doing yardwork or any kind of mild exercise. I do get some mild aches in my muscles after my daily exercise routine which included 30 to 45 minutes on a Teeter FreeStep Cross Trainer and then after a little rest 5 to 15 minutes on a Row-N-Ride machine that makes it easier for an old guy to do squat type exercises. A few days a week I do use some arthritis pain cream on my arms due to shoulders and biceps being a little sore. To me it's nothing like my 2 times with PMR and more like just I've over done it a little.

Is your PMR in remission or are you still on prednisone?


No. I stopped prednisone last January after 4 1/2 years. My local hospital has filed for bankruptcy, my health center only has a doctor who is head of practice, who's office is elsewhere, a Nurse Practioner, a very nice young woman but lacks the training to answer what is wrong with me, and a Physicians Assistant, a very knowledgeable young man but it's difficult getting an appointment with him. I don't even know the actual doctors name. I don't think this is PMR and the pain is not as awful as PMR but I don't have the courage I had 4 1/2 years ago to just tolerate it. I don't do set exercises only housework and gardening, But as we grow all our herbs and vegetables for the year that's not a small job. I have found a glass of Boost or Ensure helped.


No. I stopped prednisone last January after 4 1/2 years. My local hospital has filed for bankruptcy, my health center only has a doctor who is head of practice, who's office is elsewhere, a Nurse Practioner, a very nice young woman but lacks the training to answer what is wrong with me, and a Physicians Assistant, a very knowledgeable young man but it's difficult getting an appointment with him. I don't even know the actual doctors name. I don't think this is PMR and the pain is not as awful as PMR but I don't have the courage I had 4 1/2 years ago to just tolerate it. I don't do set exercises only housework and gardening, But as we grow all our herbs and vegetables for the year that's not a small job. I have found a glass of Boost or Ensure helped.

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I am 60 years old and was in the hospital for 5 days last July with PMR. For years I have noticed my muscles cannot restore themselves. I have even gone to a Muscle Activation Therapist. That helped a bit, but noticed I could not recover from the exercises he gave me to do.
Now I am on 6MG Prednisone and a weekly shot of Actemra. My pain is manageable most of the time, but it hurts my biceps to do the simplest things, like opening a jar or wringing out a sponge. My legs have experienced the same thing at times.

This blog has helped me to realize I am not crazy!!! Thank you to all who contribute information. It is a real puzzle.


PMR is not considered a muscle wasting disease but age and lack of use can be. I am 72 and always worked out with weights , worked construction, and very active. A year of PMR and Covid lockdowns dropped me considerably. I cant get my old level back. Sometimes I just hope I can make it to 79. I am back to lifting weights and outdoor projects but no where near the same level. Each day can bring a pain somewhere. Seems to work itself out. I am PMR pain free. No steroids. Take cholesterol medication.(not statins). If it helps, I saw on the evening news an elderly man fell in his yard trimming bushes. He couldnt get up. Kept calling for help and someone finally heard him. So all the neighbors pitched in to help clean his yard. They said the elderly man was 71. I thought geez. I can still get off the ground. Might take a little longer. So that is what we have to look forward to.


I can definitely relate. You are describing exactly what I am going through. I keep doing internet research on muscle pain to figure out what this could be. My new Rheumatologist thinks my PMR resolved itself a long time ago and the mild muscle pain I’m feeling is withdrawals from steroids. so I am now down to 2.5 mg and working to get off steroids quickly per her direction.
I am puzzled about these new muscle pains which I did not have before PMR. Mostly shoulders and biceps. I am fit at 61 and PMR started when I was 59. I was in great physical condition. My new rheumatologist thinks I had overreaction to COVID vaccines which then resolved itself without me realizing it while I was on steroids. (Perfect labs). So frustrating that I’ve been wasting time unnecessarily on steroids for 2+ years.
I find it interesting that you are describing something similar. I was hoping these pains would go away over time after stopping the steroids but it sounds like in your case it has not happened yet.
I have been looking into fibromyalgia (but symptoms don’t match) and also getting shoulder X-ray next week. But I’m am doubtful anything will show up. have you looked into other conditions?


I noticed that with PMR my recovery from exercise was slower - as though I was constantly overtraining (I'm 68). After I increased my protein to 100 g/day, I felt 100% better tho still with PMR, and am able to slowly get stronger and more flexible with low impact exercise aimed at strength and flexibility and balance. HTH.


I can definitely relate. You are describing exactly what I am going through. I keep doing internet research on muscle pain to figure out what this could be. My new Rheumatologist thinks my PMR resolved itself a long time ago and the mild muscle pain I’m feeling is withdrawals from steroids. so I am now down to 2.5 mg and working to get off steroids quickly per her direction.
I am puzzled about these new muscle pains which I did not have before PMR. Mostly shoulders and biceps. I am fit at 61 and PMR started when I was 59. I was in great physical condition. My new rheumatologist thinks I had overreaction to COVID vaccines which then resolved itself without me realizing it while I was on steroids. (Perfect labs). So frustrating that I’ve been wasting time unnecessarily on steroids for 2+ years.
I find it interesting that you are describing something similar. I was hoping these pains would go away over time after stopping the steroids but it sounds like in your case it has not happened yet.
I have been looking into fibromyalgia (but symptoms don’t match) and also getting shoulder X-ray next week. But I’m am doubtful anything will show up. have you looked into other conditions?

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I did the shoulder xrays and MRI. Like the orthededic Dr said: everyone my age has some deterioration. I had a small slap tear but he said the only thing that shows up is some bursitis. (inflammation). I did a full hormone workup including HGH. A little low on testosterone. I went on a daily cream application. That has helped some. But I would think that applies to men and women 60 t0 80 years old.


Similar. I’m 73 and off prednisone since last November. Some days are better than others. I find Pilates is giving me back some strength and flexibility but I only do it once a week. The day after I am sore as hell :). I swim most days and I have found that if I don’t then I get really stiff. I also garden and walk most days. Some days I lift little weights. When I first stopped prednisone I could not lift a heavy pot out of the oven but I can now. So while I think I’m still weak it has improved but I was so strong before this that it can get you down.

Looking hopefully to a year from now.


I did the shoulder xrays and MRI. Like the orthededic Dr said: everyone my age has some deterioration. I had a small slap tear but he said the only thing that shows up is some bursitis. (inflammation). I did a full hormone workup including HGH. A little low on testosterone. I went on a daily cream application. That has helped some. But I would think that applies to men and women 60 t0 80 years old.

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I hope you will also be able to consult a rheumatologist. My first gp also sent me for X-rays and mri. I had pt and massive NSAIDs which didn’t do much. It wasn’t until I went to another gp who sent me to a rheumatologist that I was correctly diagnosed and put on prednisone which resolved all my symptoms. Now tapering off the prednisone and still feel fine. Good luck!


My rheumatologist signed me off in January and said I was over PMR and my other symptoms would fade away and what I had right then was probably tendonitis. Not having a doctor right now, and my health center doesn't seem to be able to hire another, I am not sure how to proceed. I guess the pains are getting less but very slowly. If I exercise I get pain, if I don't I get pain. I am experimenting with diet and think that's what's making the difference. I hate to say this because it means others are going through what I am, but it's nice to know you aren't alone. All the replies have given me something that might help and I am going to try them all. Thank you people.

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