Anyone tried Dry Needling or Acupuncture for Pain or Neuropathy?

Posted by judypall @judypall, Mar 22, 2019

Has anyone had any luck with either dry needling or acupuncture? I have tried each of them one time. But made my feet tingle more. The PT who was administering the dry needling said that it goes through a cycle of pain to get better. I wasn’t too sure on that. Anyone?

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I've had fibromyalgia for 40 years and cannot take the meds for it, they don't work or I have terrible reactions including loss of vision. I can take an old remedy (low dose antibiotic daily) and 4 X T3 each day. That only keeps the pain at a lesser level. Once a month my physiotherapist does dry needling at the worst spots. It also never takes away the pain but makes it a little more bearable.


I've had fibromyalgia for 40 years and cannot take the meds for it, they don't work or I have terrible reactions including loss of vision. I can take an old remedy (low dose antibiotic daily) and 4 X T3 each day. That only keeps the pain at a lesser level. Once a month my physiotherapist does dry needling at the worst spots. It also never takes away the pain but makes it a little more bearable.

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Have you tried Low Dose Naltrexone? It's a compounded med used to help those getting off opioids, but was found in small doses to also help pain. At first they suggested 4.5 mg, but now it's 5mg. It does work for me and no side effects.


Have you tried Low Dose Naltrexone? It's a compounded med used to help those getting off opioids, but was found in small doses to also help pain. At first they suggested 4.5 mg, but now it's 5mg. It does work for me and no side effects.

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LDN works for my husband's RA pain as he cannot use NSAID's or most RA meds.
I am dealing with chronic pain and inflammation, and per my pain doc it will be the next step after we max out duloxetine and curcumin.
Afte much experimentation he has settled on 4.5mg for now, but this will undoubtedly change over time.
We are extremely fortunate to have a fabulous pain management doc with a supportive team.
PS All of the early titration was done with liquid, now he gets capsules from the compounding pharmacy.


hello, nine months ago when my peripheral neuropathy in my feet was getting worse I had acupuncture treatment two times each week for 2 1/2 months. It took about five or six visits before I started feeling improvement. By the end of the sessions my feet were much better, very little pain and tingling etc. Since my sessions have ended my feet and lower legs have gotten much worse and now I'm looking for other methods to control the neuropathy because I don't have Accupuncture available to me anymore. I use capsacian cream, lidocaine, CBD gummys, and occasionally when the pain gets intolerable Tylenol and codeine. I am new to the blog of conversations and I'm very excited to find a way to communicate with folks with the same problem that I have.

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Have you tried taking alpha Lipoic acid and Acetyl l carnitine supplements for neuropathy pain in your feet? It has helped me with my small fiber neuropathy (burning, pins and needles, etc. in my feet). Heat seems to make my feet worse and walking too much irritates the nerves. Calm magnesium supplement (mix powder in water and drink) helps some, too.


Yes, I am taking ALA but not ALC because it can raise blood pressure. Also taking magnesium, Omega 3, B 1,12,9 and very amall dose of 6, Vit E, A, K2, and iron When most of these are gone I have a dedicated complex for PN that I will start. Much easier! Also at night 5mg of CBD/THC gummy which helps a lot with pain and getting a good night sleep. In a few weeks I will be having EEG and EMG testing. My PN is probably caused from toxins.


Does your doctors take MRI or ultrasound to see if there is any underlaying cause for your pain and burning….


I've had fibromyalgia for 40 years and cannot take the meds for it, they don't work or I have terrible reactions including loss of vision. I can take an old remedy (low dose antibiotic daily) and 4 X T3 each day. That only keeps the pain at a lesser level. Once a month my physiotherapist does dry needling at the worst spots. It also never takes away the pain but makes it a little more bearable.

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What meds caused your lose in vision…


Hi Judipall,
Though I have numbness and sandbag feel in my feet and numbness in both my hands i do not have pain. I tried Acupuncture almost for 40 sessions, but it didn't help in my neuropathy at all! My sandbag feeling is ever increasing! I am considering buying Tens unit and see if that helps.
I hope acupuncture works for you! Best wishes.


I tried sculpture for 11 months. It helped my balance some but did not relieve the pain in my feet and lower legs. My provider is also a RN who purports to specialize in neuropathy. In the long run, it did not help and cost quite a bit5 of money.


Yes, I am taking ALA but not ALC because it can raise blood pressure. Also taking magnesium, Omega 3, B 1,12,9 and very amall dose of 6, Vit E, A, K2, and iron When most of these are gone I have a dedicated complex for PN that I will start. Much easier! Also at night 5mg of CBD/THC gummy which helps a lot with pain and getting a good night sleep. In a few weeks I will be having EEG and EMG testing. My PN is probably caused from toxins.

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I am also using TENS every other evening. No clue if it is working, although I haven't had horrible pain for any length of time since I quit my nightly glass of wine, cut back on gluten and sugar and taking the supplements. No wine, no pasta, no cake, no fun!

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