I have responded twice at length and lost both responses when my Internet cut out.
@dooshie I hope you will consult with a doctor who specializes in V leiden factor before considering HRT. A quick google does show increased risk of clotting.
@researchmaven I have talked with McCormick over the years and there are often differences of opinion between him and my endo, or, for that matter between my two endos (for instance on the use of bone markers). If you read research studies, they also often also have different conclusions!
I think we all would like certainty in our paths, and would like a provider whose opinions we can trust 100%- whether McCormick or PCP or endo. Unfortunately there are no magic answers. Some consult McCormick, I think, in the hopes of avoiding meds, but he suggests meds whenever needed and did them himself.
I have found McCormick and my 2nd opinion endo to be helpful in raising questions that I bring to my doctor, who may say yes to an idea, or no. In the end I trust my endo but he has shown flexibility in responding to what I ask.
With all these different sources of info, I, an untrained patient without extensive medical knowledge, am left in a position to sift through it all and I rely most on my endocrinologist. If you talk to Mccormick, make sure you also have a good endo! And we need more research!
Thank you for a concise and wonderful response. For someone newly diagnosed and awaiting follow up appointments where I am told I will absolutely need meds (type to be determined) after all sorts of tests, and who is drowning in all the info about supplements, meds, etc—you are a blessing and a voice of balance and reason.