Radioactive blue dye injected to the breast for lymph node dissection

Posted by Glori @elvandi, Apr 25, 2017

Has anyone had this radioactive dye injected tracer before surgery to see if cancer in the lymph nodes. I understand it is very painful and since I was told this would be done for me before I have the lumpectomy removed in my breast. I, want to know more about it. Hope someone can advise me.

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I had the blue dye but they did not inject it until I was put out in the operating room


I did not have dizziness but a month after my lumpectomy, my scar is healed but the SN injection site is still sore around the nipple and sort of a tan color.


I had a left breast mastectomy 6 years ago for ILC and I had no idea that they were even going to do this procedure - it was very painful!! However, I was recently diagnosed once again with ILC in the right breast (it did not spread from my prior cancer) but this time they did the injection while I was in surgery so that was much better. I think I was more worried about having the injection than I was having another mastectomy.


Yes I thought it was very painful and for mine, the tech did 4 shots (locations at 12:00, 3:00, 6:00 and 9:00 around my nipple. It was not fun!
I had some bleeding afterwards and I also pee’d BRIGHT BLUE for about 4 days afterwards!! (they didn’t tell me that was a thing, so it really freaked me out) so just something to be aware of.

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I peed blue as well....I called my surgeon and she told me that it was the dye used in the sentinel node bx...but yes, it would have saved some apprehension if I knew that ahead of time.


There is no reason for this procedure to be painful or uncomfortable. Ask that they mix lidocaine with the injection. They also sprayed a cold spray on the area. I did not feel a thing. We all need to speak up and demand better care/communication/explanations, etc. I am starting g to get angry that patients aren’t treated better just because it takes a little more time to make sure there is no pain. It also angers me when women are told “you had a baby, didn’t you?” Implication is to quite whining, this isn’t anything compared to childbirth. I guess women do not need any painkillers or empathy because of that. The attitude of my radiologist was that cancer patients are already dealing with enough and that she would make sure that she walked me through it and that I didn’t have any unnecessary pain. I wish all health care providers felt the same.

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Wish they had mixed lidocaine in with mine. The whole ordeal was horrendous. Yes, women are treated poorly in this regard. If a man had that kind of shot in his testicles I do believe he would be given and anesthetic.


I just had it done 3 weeks ago. Inserting the dye really wasn't bad. Lumpectomy wasn't bad. In my case they took 2 lymphnodes. The scar from that can be problematic just because it's in a place that chafes.


Same here, the Doctor was very nice and told me for infection sake they dont do the 4 injections of a numbing agent and then 4 injections of the dye! He did apologise but thats how they do it? I didnt see much blue after , maybe because the did remove some lymph nodes?


As I recall, the injection hurt a little more than I expected but I was so happy to have surgery (getting the cancer out!) that I didn't care. It was not traumatic.


Five years ago had the blue dye injection for sentinel node removal. I read this was very painful. So I was worried. Called the nurse navigator and she called radiology department who explained it use to be painful, but the dye product has changed and it no longer should be any problem. Did not have any pain. Even injection did not hurt. You do urinate the blue dye, but it doesn’t cause discomfort. The site of the surgery was a bit sore, but not bad. Pain relievers took care of any pain for the first few days. I don’t think I took anything 2 days after. Hope this helps. I know I felt better after I received more info from radiology on the procedure.


For me; The radioactive dye was administered night before prior to surgery as it needs time to “travel” the lymph route. Once sedated the blue dye injection was administered.

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