Wrinkles on the back of my palm
I am a male, 73. Lately, I have noticed that the skin on the back of my palm (hand) has developed wrinkles. The skin elsewhere is normal and unwrinkled. Could anyone help?
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Thank you, Ginger
In my case the many wrinkles on the backs of my hands are hereditary as my mom had the same issue. I wish I could have a doctor suck the fat out of my thighs and inject into my hands. :O). I'm 72 but my hands look like hands of a 92 old. It is what it is. I use Cera Ve moisterizing cream on my dry wrinkly hands.
Exactly my story.
I hear that thermo therapy is helpful to treat wrinkles. Please talk to your dermatologist about it.
As you, my wrinkles on the backs of my hands are hereditary along with protruding veins. I also use Cera Ve & I have found using Goldbond Crepe Corrector Hand Creme helps a great deal if I use it consistently.
@lil35 I’ll have to try the Goldbond. I have crepe skin on my arms and legs. 😕
I'm sorry, I meant thermal radiation therapy, not thermo therapy.
I agree. Always wise to run any changes in health, by the doctor.
Always wise to run any changes in health, by the doctor.
Could be as simple as you need to hydrate more, and optimally.
Could be that some kind of hand lotion could help.
But if you are following your normal routine and a new symptom comes up?
Never hurts to run that information by your doctor.
Best of luck.
Take care now.
I’ve heard about fat injections in the back of hands to plump them up. I haven’t explored it, because I have other issues like sagging skin from weight loss and I can’t get everything done at once. It sounds promising though. Anyone had it?