How do you deal with aging?

Posted by prcrowe @prcrowe, Jan 1, 2024

How do you emotionally handle aging and knowing that you only have a limited number of years left in your life? I'm turning 80 years old in 5 months, am in quite good health, work fulltime, and am incredibly grateful for the life I have. But, I find myself obsessed with the thought that I only have "x" amount of years left in my life. I've never figured out how to live one day at a time. Any suggestions from those of you around my age or older would be SO appreciated! (I'm "kind of" spiritual, but not really religious so that's not something that seems to help with my fear.)

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Okay... I won't laugh at the fact that you love going through cemetaries, but YIKES!! 😉 I drive by one every time I go into town and don't even like DRIVING by it! Your "centenarian in training" attitude is awesome! I'm going to try to adopt that attitude.
BTW ... I also live on the California coast, just not on acreage.

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Wow, that's three of us. I live in California, too, but not on the coast. I love the Mendocino coast. It's an artist's paradise. There are so many talented people in California and it seems many of them are in Mendocino.

Maybe you should visit that cemetery and find a gravesite that looks lonely and place flowers on it. It may give you a good purge.


Your suggestion to visit the cemetary nearby is definitely a good idea, but "no thank you .... not again!" 😉 Sadly, my parents, sister, and her best friend are buried there and although I've visited in the past, I no longer have the desire to do it again. I recall that years ago whenever I drove by that particular cemetary there was a gentleman sitting in a lawn chair next to a particular gravesite. I always wondered if he was "visiting" his wife. It always struck me as so touching, yet so sad.


Your "online exercise forum" idea is certainly a good one! The one thing I know for certain is that I've gotten REALLY lazy about going for long walks as my primary means of exercising. My cell phone has an exercise tracker & I'd always feel encouraged when I would discover just how far I'd actually walked. Hopefully, our discussion has given me the encouragement to get back into the routine.
BTW .... just days ago I went to an exhibition and had to park FAR away from the venue. I even had to walk up 3 steep flights of stairs. I did it, but was definitely breathing hard by the time I got to the top! 😉 It was a pleasant/unpleasant reminder that I'd doing just fine for my age but DEFINITELY need to get back into exercising!! 🙂

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Oh, yes, I know what you mean about exercise and especially walking. Last week I had the best PT appointment. They put me through a lot of stretching and that made walking less painful. Kudos to you for getting up those stairs. Holy cow! Exercise and routine. Thanks for bringing that up. I need to get on my own case about Youtube health programs. But I am working on me, little by little, so I do get one pretty pink star after my name.


I just realized, I don't like the term "Live one day at a time." That's putting limits on your life. Like, wow! I'm here today and I'll probably fall off a cliff tomorrow. Hobbies and interest are so important to maintain a healthy attitude.


Yes, you definitely deserve a pretty pink star. Here you go! 😉


Yes, you definitely deserve a pretty pink star. Here you go! 😉

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prcrowe ROTFWL OMGSH! I love it. Thank you so much. I feel like doing a jig.


Your suggestion to visit the cemetary nearby is definitely a good idea, but "no thank you .... not again!" 😉 Sadly, my parents, sister, and her best friend are buried there and although I've visited in the past, I no longer have the desire to do it again. I recall that years ago whenever I drove by that particular cemetary there was a gentleman sitting in a lawn chair next to a particular gravesite. I always wondered if he was "visiting" his wife. It always struck me as so touching, yet so sad.

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prcrowe Oh, I apologize for the foolish pun I made. I had no idea your family was interred in that cemetery. We all grieve in our own way. That gentleman seemed to balance out your emotions with loving kindness. That's nice.


@cb3 Oh goodness, no need to apologize!! 🙂 To be perfectly honest, MANY, many years ago I actually had a counselor suggest that to get over my fear of death, I go to a local cemetery and read whatever was written on the gravestones. Looking back, I understand what he was hoping I'd accomplish, but to think that I actually took him up on his suggestion kind of makes me cringe. It did NOTHING for me other than to still remember one of the inscriptions because it was so sad.


Wow, that's three of us. I live in California, too, but not on the coast. I love the Mendocino coast. It's an artist's paradise. There are so many talented people in California and it seems many of them are in Mendocino.

Maybe you should visit that cemetery and find a gravesite that looks lonely and place flowers on it. It may give you a good purge.

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Native California gal until 5 yr. ago when we moved to NC. Love it here too


Native California gal until 5 yr. ago when we moved to NC. Love it here too

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I have a lot of ancestry in Chatham, NC. Howdy.

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