CA 27-29 numbers rising: Does anyone else have an issue like this?

Posted by sandyjr @sandyjr, Jul 1, 2019

My Ca 27.29 seems to be the 40’s....and my oncologist says that that is probably normal for me. He checked the records from my first bc. Does anyone else have an issue like this?

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Hi. I’m new to this site. I had lumpectomy 10 years ago and radiation. For the first 5 years my CA 25-27 tumor markers were all in normal range then they started going up to 50’s and 60’s. My oncologist was testing me on a regular basis and sent me in for PET scan during this time. Nothing showed up. A couple years later I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. One time I was having an RA flare up and my CA 25-27 number shot up to 105. Went down after flare up cleared. I now have my RA medicine working pretty well and flare ups only happen rarely. Now My tumor marker tests have been two in the normal range and the others 40. Have other people had a similar experience?


I'm just putting this in the mix. My 27.29 was high, but I believe it was due to lymphedema. My onc sent me to a surgeon who suggested breast massage. For me that worked. I will see what the numbers are at the end of January. Many doctors don't believe this is a good indicator of anything.


My oncologist doesn't do these blood markers at all. I am 9 years out and stopped letrozole at 5 years. I have no idea how I will know I am stage 4. How many of you have docs who do this testing?


My oncologist doesn't do these blood markers at all. I am 9 years out and stopped letrozole at 5 years. I have no idea how I will know I am stage 4. How many of you have docs who do this testing?

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I’m just entering year 3 ( 20 mos on AI) and your stats are very inspirational!

That said, it’s an unnerving lifelong worry! The docs say they go by symptoms… then scans… but who wants to WAIT for symptoms!!! As I’m still with an oncologist I do get MRI every year.

I am in the Signatera program and I find a negative result to be encouraging but there are false negatives there also.

I’m planning to explant; not comfortable with a foreign body in my body and I have had a good bit of itching for the year plus that I’ve had a silicone boob. Also new reports of squamous cell carcinoma ( very aggressive once established) with silicone.


Hi. I’m new to this site. I had lumpectomy 10 years ago and radiation. For the first 5 years my CA 25-27 tumor markers were all in normal range then they started going up to 50’s and 60’s. My oncologist was testing me on a regular basis and sent me in for PET scan during this time. Nothing showed up. A couple years later I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. One time I was having an RA flare up and my CA 25-27 number shot up to 105. Went down after flare up cleared. I now have my RA medicine working pretty well and flare ups only happen rarely. Now My tumor marker tests have been two in the normal range and the others 40. Have other people had a similar experience?

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Welcome, @cchappy22. I'm tagging fellow members @sheilaray @kstar077 @renunciate @kensiejames, who have also mentioned they are breast cancer survivors living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They may also have experience with wonky tumor marker results.

I also found these research paper that talk about tumor markers and RA:
- Tumor markers are elevated in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and do not indicate presence of cancer
- Serum Tumor Marker Levels in Rheumatoid Arthritis

I'd be interested to hear if your cancer team suggests a different monitoring test for you. I can imagine getting the results of elevated CA 25-27 is nerve-wracking.


Welcome, @cchappy22. I'm tagging fellow members @sheilaray @kstar077 @renunciate @kensiejames, who have also mentioned they are breast cancer survivors living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They may also have experience with wonky tumor marker results.

I also found these research paper that talk about tumor markers and RA:
- Tumor markers are elevated in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and do not indicate presence of cancer
- Serum Tumor Marker Levels in Rheumatoid Arthritis

I'd be interested to hear if your cancer team suggests a different monitoring test for you. I can imagine getting the results of elevated CA 25-27 is nerve-wracking.

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Hi, @cchappy22 & @colleenyoung! I do have RA and my CA 27.29 levels have fluctuated and in September were up over 36, but not over 40. My oncologist didn't seem concerned about the values so far. She has told me she takes many test values and my own history into account to determine whether to worry or not. For background, I'm 52, first BC Dx was 1997, second was 2021. I was Dx with RA around 2012ish. In 1997 I had lumpectomy, lymph node removal, AC chemo, 35xRadiation, 5 years tamoxifen. In 2021 I had bilateral mastectomy and now AI (no chemo or radiation this time around).


Welcome, @cchappy22. I'm tagging fellow members @sheilaray @kstar077 @renunciate @kensiejames, who have also mentioned they are breast cancer survivors living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They may also have experience with wonky tumor marker results.

I also found these research paper that talk about tumor markers and RA:
- Tumor markers are elevated in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and do not indicate presence of cancer
- Serum Tumor Marker Levels in Rheumatoid Arthritis

I'd be interested to hear if your cancer team suggests a different monitoring test for you. I can imagine getting the results of elevated CA 25-27 is nerve-wracking.

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Thank you very much for tagging me on this! I will definitely be sharing this, as my team doesn't seem to be familiar with R/A. Super helpful. 🙂


Hi all - circling back on what is a thread that started in 2019 about rising tumor markers & morphed slightly about good diet, exercise & staying on top on things. It just popped back into my feed by a “like” & it reminded me that it is all still relevant. And stories change.

In July 2024 I will be 5 years in with Stage 4 breast cancer & yes now Stage 4 Mallarian (reproductive) cancer that we did not know I had until a growing brain tumor presented itself in early January 2024. Pathology identified it. Brain surgery in January, and radiation in February did their jobs.
The reproductive cancer was likely nipped when I did chemo back in mid 2021 for my breast cancer return. It just didn’t/couldn’t get this little offshoot that went to the brain & slowly grew. Physical problems presented themselves - not bloodwork - & scans confirmed. Breast cancer now turned down, malarian percolating in the special Natera/Signatera DNA disease test & in PET, not physically nor other bloodwork. And yes I have since gone skiing & did a 10 mile hike today.
My docs want me to be a person with cancer that is a small “c” - I am living with it. My “chronic” condition. We don’t react when monthly numbers change. Time of day, bad draws, diet, moon phase, really anything - can impact. We look for trends. We look at scans. We look at me. And how I am living my life. And then we react. I help myself & give them the best patient I can be through tracking my numbers, eating well, exercising, working & spending quality time with my family & friends. Who knows what will come but new treatments & sites like this give me hope! Good luck!


Hi all - circling back on what is a thread that started in 2019 about rising tumor markers & morphed slightly about good diet, exercise & staying on top on things. It just popped back into my feed by a “like” & it reminded me that it is all still relevant. And stories change.

In July 2024 I will be 5 years in with Stage 4 breast cancer & yes now Stage 4 Mallarian (reproductive) cancer that we did not know I had until a growing brain tumor presented itself in early January 2024. Pathology identified it. Brain surgery in January, and radiation in February did their jobs.
The reproductive cancer was likely nipped when I did chemo back in mid 2021 for my breast cancer return. It just didn’t/couldn’t get this little offshoot that went to the brain & slowly grew. Physical problems presented themselves - not bloodwork - & scans confirmed. Breast cancer now turned down, malarian percolating in the special Natera/Signatera DNA disease test & in PET, not physically nor other bloodwork. And yes I have since gone skiing & did a 10 mile hike today.
My docs want me to be a person with cancer that is a small “c” - I am living with it. My “chronic” condition. We don’t react when monthly numbers change. Time of day, bad draws, diet, moon phase, really anything - can impact. We look for trends. We look at scans. We look at me. And how I am living my life. And then we react. I help myself & give them the best patient I can be through tracking my numbers, eating well, exercising, working & spending quality time with my family & friends. Who knows what will come but new treatments & sites like this give me hope! Good luck!

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That is so encouraging and I admire your spirit. Keep on living your life, sister.


I have had problems with my numbers as well. My onco referred me to the surgeon, who suggested breast massage. The numbers went down. I wear a special bra and the numbers went up a bit. My oncologist suggested I revisit breast massage. I will have massage sessions with the physical therapist twice a week for three weeks just before my blood draw. I will let you know the results.

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