Radioactive blue dye injected to the breast for lymph node dissection

Posted by Glori @elvandi, Apr 25, 2017

Has anyone had this radioactive dye injected tracer before surgery to see if cancer in the lymph nodes. I understand it is very painful and since I was told this would be done for me before I have the lumpectomy removed in my breast. I, want to know more about it. Hope someone can advise me.

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Yes it was painful, but for me it meant the removal of just one lymph node. I'm four years post lumpectomy from a metaplastic squamous tumor triple negative. I've had no problems with the removal of the lymph node except for tightness in the area.


@marykaym63 - I also had the radioactive dye but mine was done about an hour before my surgery. I was prescribed a numbing cream that I applied several times a few hours before and up to the time of the injection. I was very nervous about it. They gave me something to relax me. I can’t remember the name of it. It was a pill form. It really helped me relax but it was still uncomfortable but Not as bad as the biopsy they had done to determine if I had cancer. .. I just kept taking deep breaths and I squeezed the nurses hand. I had 3 lymph nodes removed.


I had the blue dye radioactive material to locate lymph nodes in my breast. Yes, the injections were painful to me, felt like bad bee stings. When I sat up after the procedure I felt very dizzy. That was a week ago and I am still dizzy a lot. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks.


Has anyone had dizziness after the blue dye radioactive procedure done to locate lymph nodes? I had this done a week ago and still feel dizzy.


Always call your doctor's office if a pain does not go away. I had the dye put in, but it was when my whole breast was removed, and they wanted to remove the sentinel lymph nodes. I do not recall being dizzy. Our bodies react different. The D will not know if you do not tell them and if you did tell them, tell them again. You need an answer. You are your best advocate.


Always call your doctor's office if a pain does not go away. I had the dye put in, but it was when my whole breast was removed, and they wanted to remove the sentinel lymph nodes. I do not recall being dizzy. Our bodies react different. The D will not know if you do not tell them and if you did tell them, tell them again. You need an answer. You are your best advocate.

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Thank you so


Always call your doctor's office if a pain does not go away. I had the dye put in, but it was when my whole breast was removed, and they wanted to remove the sentinel lymph nodes. I do not recall being dizzy. Our bodies react different. The D will not know if you do not tell them and if you did tell them, tell them again. You need an answer. You are your best advocate.

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Totally great advice speak up to doctor. Good luck


Yes, it hurt badly but it dissipated quickly


There is no reason for this procedure to be painful or uncomfortable. Ask that they mix lidocaine with the injection. They also sprayed a cold spray on the area. I did not feel a thing. We all need to speak up and demand better care/communication/explanations, etc. I am starting g to get angry that patients aren’t treated better just because it takes a little more time to make sure there is no pain. It also angers me when women are told “you had a baby, didn’t you?” Implication is to quite whining, this isn’t anything compared to childbirth. I guess women do not need any painkillers or empathy because of that. The attitude of my radiologist was that cancer patients are already dealing with enough and that she would make sure that she walked me through it and that I didn’t have any unnecessary pain. I wish all health care providers felt the same.


Yes I thought it was very painful and for mine, the tech did 4 shots (locations at 12:00, 3:00, 6:00 and 9:00 around my nipple. It was not fun!
I had some bleeding afterwards and I also pee’d BRIGHT BLUE for about 4 days afterwards!! (they didn’t tell me that was a thing, so it really freaked me out) so just something to be aware of.

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