Spinal Stenosis & Spobndylolisthesis - Surgeons vs Pain doctors

Posted by lizann45 @lizann45, Oct 30, 2022

Hi, I have gotten 2 opinions for spinal surgeons and they both are saying decompression & fusion. I am trying to avoid major surgery. I have seen 2 pain doctors. One wanted to do Vertiflex but that will not help the slippage I have. I also have osteo of my spine. The 2nd pain doctor is suggesting the Minute Man procedure (which will help the slippage) or the Mild procedure. Has anyone had luck with either one of the procedures? Surgeons always say "thumbs down" on these non invasive procedures.
thanks, Linda K.

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Lizann 45

I had epidurals approximately 3 weeks ago. felt great but they didn't last. My leg pain returned and is constant. Pain Dr is suggesting Mild procedure now. He is staying away from Minute Man procedure now as he says because of my osteoporosis of spine, he doesn't want to risk a fracture happening. Thoughts on having osteo and Vertiflex or minute man procedure having osteoporosis of spine?

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Would you really trust spine surgery to a pain management guy.

Mine was pitching vertiflex hard to me...in spite of the fact that he told me I wasnt a good fit.

The research I did on vertiflex says you are considering a second rate solution installed by non-surgeon. Ask why mayo clinic doesnt support it


@charlie92plus - Good morning. Did your specialist (what kind of doctor and specialist?) explain why he suggested you avoid surgery?

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He was a back surgeon and told me that I would probably end up in a wheel chair if I choose surgery. That was 10 years ago.
I had a friend who had a steel rod inserted to support her spine and needed Oxycondon to relieve the daily pain. However, each case is different.


Lizann 45

I had epidurals approximately 3 weeks ago. felt great but they didn't last. My leg pain returned and is constant. Pain Dr is suggesting Mild procedure now. He is staying away from Minute Man procedure now as he says because of my osteoporosis of spine, he doesn't want to risk a fracture happening. Thoughts on having osteo and Vertiflex or minute man procedure having osteoporosis of spine?

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Dpend some time studying the data on Vertiflex. Doesnt look good to me.
Would you really have a non-surgeon do back surgery on you?


I have never heard anyone say they helped in the long run but have read lots of problems - and I've mostly read about treating CRPS. Scar tissue issues esp.
Bit the things you read online are usually when they fail, not succeed. My BIL has one. He said at tje start it helped aboit 50%, now he's not sure at all. Except, like LDN, its not till you stop that you realize it WAS helping.

For me, its a hard no. Spero clinic treats many failed SCS patients. I remember one was an exploding battery. Eek. I've had 4 back surgeries and my entire lumbar spine is a mess. I say no to anything invasive as I also have CRPS, and injections can cause a spread. Or start CRPS in anyone. And nobody wants this added on.

I'm sure ypu can find lots here about them but I always remember things are tipped to the negative online. Rarely do people come to places like this if life is great?

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Considering decompression and fusion. I am looking at other options like MILD.
Still looking , interviewed 7 othopods and a neurosurgeon.
Thanks for the reminder no surgery.


I’ve talked to many orthopedic Drs, all the same decompression and fusion. Neurosurgeon said decompression and coflex but that won’t work with osteo. I’m not happy with coflex or the decompression and recovery.
One Ortho I trusted said check out MILD it’s non or minimally invasive no real recovery required. Same as epidurals. Medicare covers it. The Dr who recommended it said it’s maybe 50% successful not many studies but worth a shot with no real down side.
I am 78, extreme stenosis L345, right leg and butt get numb on standing and walking.
No pain sitting or sleeping.
I plan on trying MILD, sounds like you are a candidate too.
Good luck take your time and just keep interviewing new Drs, that’s how I came across mild. I feel less is more when we talk back surgery.
Good luck


Considering decompression and fusion. I am looking at other options like MILD.
Still looking , interviewed 7 othopods and a neurosurgeon.
Thanks for the reminder no surgery.

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Have you listened esp to Dr Getson on YT? They are at least an hour each and well worth it. I consider him and the one dr from India (forget his name) as my go to for these kinds of official medical answers rather than opinions online. We are all so different a generic "yes it helped" means nothing personally and shouldn't. But I also kniw that like pain clinics push only intrusive things. Dr Getson says "never ever do surgery and don't see a dr who says they can fix your CRPS with surgery. Like nerve ablations don't help as the problem, with true CRPS, is not the nerve. There are so many neuropathies that can resemble CRPS. In my mind, if surgery on a nerve helped, it wasn't CRPS. (Doesn't mean it wasn't incredibly painful, there just is NO cure for CRPS and accepting that and stopping chasing the golden unicorn has helped me most.

I do know that some things can help. I was able to het off crutches and able to mow my own lawn even after starting Lamictal but that reprieve is over. I also take Lamictal for bipolar and epilepsy tho I've been seizure free for for several decades.
Watch out for some surgeries that I see pushed by pain clinics. (One called 360°?) Not covered by medicare or only part covered. I'm reading people even local to me are in debt now $20,000 and no.beyter off. When a pain dr says outpatient fusion and drive hime in an hour with a total cure, yeah, well, fue diligence and read the fine print that a cure is an "unusual outcome" when they interview cured people an hour after surgery.

I fell 2 months ago and have quickly discovered that when things are bad and you get desperate to reach for the gold ring and empty promises, things actually CAN get worse! We don't know hiw that could even be possible when we live at 15 pain level every day until, yeah. Hello 20!

Good luck. Remember opinions are only good for them tho opinions which all say negative/positive things are valuable, them isn't us. Empathy with others online is better than advice. Go to Dr Getson for good advice. He's seen it all. And does "maybe help." But he's very clear about NO surgical cure.

Now, I have slipped disks that a fusion vould help but I have to consider my CRPS as a whole different issue to consider. Will a nerve block help your disk issue but spread your CRPS?
Its complicated and its taken a lifetime for me to know I am my own best expert on my own body. Never get only one opinion. Don't sign contracts with doctors who want to take over your life (my experience with yet another pain dr this weekend. I can't even get then to return a call to cancel my appt!

I do read reviews of clinics and drs. Again knowing online is tipped towards the negative. But like the people who said this clinic never answers their phone or return calls, I've discovered this before I walk thru the door. I've cancelled 3 times by message but got a text to confirm just now. And if they consider me a no show Monday and try to charge me hundreds, I've got no actual proof I cancelled and in the end, doctors can ruin your credit numbers and end up winning that game.

My pcp recommended I see a pain dr tho I don't take opioids. I hope I've not landed in a jackpot. My experience with them is bad. I shoukd have paid attention to my gut and said no.

Anyway, this is more than you needed to hear but things are hard eben just changing pharmacies so I have a driveup window now, the manufacturer of my BP med changed and mow I'm in BP trouble again with POTS postop. Always something. Take good care and remember, embroider! It CAN get worse. Live without regrets. Think things thru thoroughly. If things are worse after know ahead if time you willing took that risk. Knowing that helps decisions be easier. No regrets "can I live with it if this procedure makes things worse?" Is this false hope I'm relying on 100% that could lead to a tortuous depression if it doesn't work? Deep depression for me is worse than any physical pain possible. My inside is always in the line of suicide so staying on this side of the line for me is where the dog dies and makes me very very liable to not experiment with ANYTHING! I font kniw if this helps but keep your feet planted on the reality of the disorder. Miracles happen and I believe in them, but no regrets. No guilt. No shame for making bad choices. That's where I am at 69 with worsening symptoms or regular aging and a lower frustration tolerance. Writing this helped me...thanks. I want to start a blog. Lol


Considering decompression and fusion. I am looking at other options like MILD.
Still looking , interviewed 7 othopods and a neurosurgeon.
Thanks for the reminder no surgery.

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I believe I read about MILD. I think that's another specialty thing invented by pain doctors tgat insurance sees as too experimental to cover. The local pain clinic tells people medicare pays but find out after they pd the doctor not the ER, anesthesia, radiology etc. Always call your ibsurance compsny itself and make sure ALL of it is covered. Ekk financial despair would definitely throw mr iver the sui edge I think.

Things can get worse. Deep debt being another. Beware pie in the sky procedures by a dr who just met you and can just never see you again if it goes badly. You are stuck and they are gone on to their next victim in some cases. There is never a shortage of people in pain hoping for a miracle and unconventional drs saying they've got the cure. We still have MDs that sell snake oil.

Sorry to sound so negatI've. I'm having to stay in reality right now that I can't walk again and cant get a dr to even diagnose it? They just want to inject Somewhere, ANYWHERE! Tell me what's wrong first and why your injection has at least a 90% chance of helping.

I don't take pain meds except LDN and I'm torifol 4x/year when I need a painfree day to reset. My kidneys and liver are paying the price for years of meds. Local injections of cortisone affect kidneys, livers etc. We need to always remember its the same with anesthesia. It takes a toll on our organs too. Dialysis will make my life even harder to not want to go. Right now, wanting to live is my major fight. Thanks. I know this was hard to read. Always look at the bottom line.


I believe I read about MILD. I think that's another specialty thing invented by pain doctors tgat insurance sees as too experimental to cover. The local pain clinic tells people medicare pays but find out after they pd the doctor not the ER, anesthesia, radiology etc. Always call your ibsurance compsny itself and make sure ALL of it is covered. Ekk financial despair would definitely throw mr iver the sui edge I think.

Things can get worse. Deep debt being another. Beware pie in the sky procedures by a dr who just met you and can just never see you again if it goes badly. You are stuck and they are gone on to their next victim in some cases. There is never a shortage of people in pain hoping for a miracle and unconventional drs saying they've got the cure. We still have MDs that sell snake oil.

Sorry to sound so negatI've. I'm having to stay in reality right now that I can't walk again and cant get a dr to even diagnose it? They just want to inject Somewhere, ANYWHERE! Tell me what's wrong first and why your injection has at least a 90% chance of helping.

I don't take pain meds except LDN and I'm torifol 4x/year when I need a painfree day to reset. My kidneys and liver are paying the price for years of meds. Local injections of cortisone affect kidneys, livers etc. We need to always remember its the same with anesthesia. It takes a toll on our organs too. Dialysis will make my life even harder to not want to go. Right now, wanting to live is my major fight. Thanks. I know this was hard to read. Always look at the bottom line.

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Sorry to hear about your situation and thank you for the advice.
I will proceed cautiously. The Mild was recommended with reservation of expectations.
Thanks I will pray for peace in your life through this scary journey.


Sorry to hear about your situation and thank you for the advice.
I will proceed cautiously. The Mild was recommended with reservation of expectations.
Thanks I will pray for peace in your life through this scary journey.

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Thanks Tony. Sounds like you've got this. For me, I'm hearing in myself which I also don't recommend, I know I'm also twisted up with fear. That's no good either. My best.

"Be bold." My user name is what I strive for, not what I am, right now for sure.


@tony1946 Tony just wanted to point out that the longer your unstable back continues to move the more damage is occurring to your spine. You most likely already have a bit of damage historically and the decision weighs on your ability to withstand the pain. I was injured in 1988, fusion stainless steel plates & screws L4-S1 w/L5 laminectomy surgery 1992. No at age 72 with spinal stenosis, chronic pain syndrome, PN all 4 limbs and OA. I walk 2 miles daily and follow my physical therapy exercise regime twice a day.

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