Hi Alif, you asked "just wondered if you know if daily Vit D is better than once a month."
I have not researched it. But I should research if the monthly Vitamin dose results in the same outcome as a daily dose. Taking it once a month would be one less thing to juggle in this osteoporosis journey.
May I ask what type of dr prescribed the D3 supplement, an endocrinologist, gyn, general practicioner...? I am still trying to find a dr who really understands all of this and specifically osteoporosis.
Also, are you currently taking or considering either a bone building medication like Tymlos or a bone maintenance one like Fosamax? If so, are you using the same dr?
Until then I am supplementing as well as doing weight bearing exercise. I am currently using 6 pound waist weight while I walk 30 minutes a day at the rate of 3 miles an hour. I need a better waist/hip weight to wear all day.
I also lift weights for upper body and a glute workout. I blew my knee trying to do deadlifts using no weight now but will slowly build up. My normal knee is fine so i try to do lunges and deadlifts putting all my weight on my good leg.
Hi Health matters, after having a Dexa scan my GP gave me the the prescription for once a month D3. (I am in New Zealand) He also put me on 3 months Fosamax. At the time I didn't want to take it but was a bit shell shocked and didn't know what else to do. I finished the 3 month course and stopped taking it and about the same time I had excruciating hip, thigh and knee pain on my right side, which is only just coming back to normal now eight weeks later. Multiple x-rays and ultrasound showed no reason for the pain, but I still suspect Fosamax. I am now on a journey of my own and plan to use diet, supplements and exercise rather than drugs. I wish that my GP's had told about all these other options. It is taking time to find out but I feel secure in my decision to follow the diet/ exercise route.