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You are right.Covid did trigger it.I am in bad shape and I feel bad that you are going through the same thing.I have lost strength in the trunk of my body along with diaphram/sternum.Even if I had to throw up I could not.I thunk it is the loss of strength and vagus nerve damage.The neurologists I have talked to have never heard of such a thing.I barely have a gag reflex anymore.At the beginning I felt like a human vegetable.I could not swallow,go to the bathroon,sleep.I did have them test for Epstein Barr and my titters were extremely high.I know that before I was diagnosed with Hashimito's that is all that could find was elevated Epstein Barr titters.My neurologist is sending me to a team of neuromuscular doctors since he can't figure out what is wrong.I am praying for you and your Fiance.It is not fair that we have to go through this.I was only on the steroids for a very short amount of time since my primary was not exactly sure what I had,but It did give me strength.During that time I thought it was the end for me.I am just wondering if Ivig infusions could possibly help us.I will let you know if I hear on any new possible treatments.

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Replies to "You are right.Covid did trigger it.I am in bad shape and I feel bad that you..."

I will let you know as well. I also requested to do IVIG treatments on the off chance it could help, because the alternative isn’t any better so might as well throw the kitchen sink at it and see if anything helps.

There is a covidlonghualers subreddit you should check out if you haven’t. Many people complain it about muscle twitching and weakness after infection.. If enough people or enough “important” people get this then eventually they have to try something.. there is also a benign fasiculations subreddit and even Facebook group and these people have similar issues to us.

Sometimes I wish I never went out that night that triggered everything, life would be completely different. But that’s in the past- we can only look toward what can potentially help us now and just hope.