← Return to Long haul Covid tremors and muscle spasms

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It is so bizarre.So at the very beginning I could not swallow at all.The specialists were trying antibiotics,antiparasite,antifungal and nothing was working.The GI Doctors could not figure it out and said this has to be viral and it is your muscles.Thankfully my primary gave me steroids which gave me the ability to eat again because I had lost so much weight.Have you lost strength in the trunk of your body as well?It is like ALS/Muscular Dystrophy and Myasthenia Gravis all in one.Have you tried steroids?That might help your vocal chord.I could barely talk when I was having the swallowing issues.Also have you been tested for Myasthenia Gravis?Covid can bring on Myasthenia Gravis which is similar to ALS.There is also a disease called LEMS.I thought I had Lupus because so many people in my Family have it,but the Rhuematologists told me no.You should also look up the vagus nerve when you get time.I could not sneeze,cough or yawn for a year and now it is slowly coming back.I think covid brings on Autoimmune and neurological type symptoms,but it hides from the conventional tests.I would Love to try Mestinon,but the neurologists will not let me try it out.They don't know enough about long covid to know what could help or possibly work.

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Replies to "It is so bizarre.So at the very beginning I could not swallow at all.The specialists were..."

I don’t think I tested for MG but I think it’s more quickly progressive and bilateral.. I have been twitching for 2.5 years and slowly been losing function..

It started with my tongue getting tired when eating years ago, then clearing my throat a lot, and mild paresis of my vocal cord, and now full paralysis of my left vocal cord. My left pinky is also weak and left leg.. I have a tremor in my left facial muscle when I do a half smile.. my uvula is also deviated which I believe indicates cranial nerve weakness..

I agree with the vagus nerve as I also have pre ventricular contractions which is affected by vagus nerve from what I looked up..

I’ve seen 5 neurologists and had 2 EMGs. I will see a neuromuscular next, and am really certain I will get an als diagnosis soon enough..

I think something with Covid triggered it, als can be triggered by virus and even reactivated hold viruses which Covid does unfortunately..

There are many studies on covid and neurodegenerative affects and triggers that it does to the body. I’m glad you recovered but mine has been a slow downhill decline, I can only hope my fiance doesn’t follow my steps as she is only 26 and I am 30, but it doesn’t look good. Even if it isn’t als the progressive paralysis and weakness will eventually be the end of me unless they figure it out.