Epstein barr

Posted by lorin200 @lorin200, Feb 24, 2023

Does anyone have any information on the effects of the Covid vaccine in people who have had Epstein Barr in the past?

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Thank you, what a wealth of information. Even my Integrative Health team has never mentioned any of this to me. If nothing else you have given me hope for a better existence.

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Thank you for taking the time to explain your journey. Much appreciated.


No I haven't but I can't get to the bottom of what is happening to my legs, feet, burning and that all started after Shingrix Shot, which also can be EBV. I have appointments with a orthopedic dr., a neurologist again, a allergist, and also had vascular testing done, so if nothing pans out I'll be asking for the EBV test.

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The EBV blood tests are complex and the right panel has to be ordered by a Dr well versed in understanding the results. A full EBV panel can differentiate between Acute EBV (current mono infection), past infectious and chronic or reactivated EBV. The panel must include early antigen antibodies to pick up chronic infection. Some panels do not include that. There’s a lot of misinterpreted EBV results, so your dr must know how to interpret correctly. (+ IGG =past infection + IGM= acute infection + EA =chronic infection). Hope that helps you.


I am a little confused as a few months ago I had blood tests done and asked to include Epstein Barr Virus.
The nurse practitioner read the results and stated that I had at one time had Epstein Barr and a pretty severe
case also.
Recently, I had blood tests performed by my family doctor and asked for the Epstein Barr virus and the HPV virus along with Type 2 Diabetes and Long Haul Covid. The blood tests were sent to Lapcorp..
All test results came back negative with no DNA antibodies to anything.
I'm just confused how at one time I can test positive for Epstein Barr antibodies and then test negative for the same virus. Just wondering??? I guess I just needed to blame my health issues on the Epstein Barr Virus being reactivated. Now I guess I'm just a "weeny whiner"


I am a little confused as a few months ago I had blood tests done and asked to include Epstein Barr Virus.
The nurse practitioner read the results and stated that I had at one time had Epstein Barr and a pretty severe
case also.
Recently, I had blood tests performed by my family doctor and asked for the Epstein Barr virus and the HPV virus along with Type 2 Diabetes and Long Haul Covid. The blood tests were sent to Lapcorp..
All test results came back negative with no DNA antibodies to anything.
I'm just confused how at one time I can test positive for Epstein Barr antibodies and then test negative for the same virus. Just wondering??? I guess I just needed to blame my health issues on the Epstein Barr Virus being reactivated. Now I guess I'm just a "weeny whiner"

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You’re not. You know your body. Maybe ask to be tested again? If you’re up for that.


I am new with EBV; however, i do know that there are four tests, and they don’t always test you for the fourth one: the early antigen test. That one will tell you if you’re in a reactivated situation. The others tell you if you’ve had it at one time, or if you currently have it. But the early antigen is rarely requested and can give you information if you feel you are currently having symptoms. Best of luck.


Thank you, what a wealth of information. Even my Integrative Health team has never mentioned any of this to me. If nothing else you have given me hope for a better existence.

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I am so glad this was helpful to you. Do not give up hope, be your best advocate, and if you have a Dr. who does not understand the virus hunt for one who does. There is nothing worse than a Dr. who minimizes your condition when you are suffering. Take care of YOU.... You are the only one who can! Prayers and God Bless!


It’s possible the recent test for EBV was just a mono spot test or IGM which shows only current (acute) infection, not past or chronic.


Hi, I'm a Covid Long Hauler since 07/2020. My main symptom is extreme fatigue and I have zero energy. I was tested for EBV back on 08/2021 and the results are as follows:
EBV VCA IgM: < 6 - Negative
EBV VCA IgG: < 8 - Negative
EBNA IgG: >600 - Positive
A positive EBNA means I had EBV in the past so VCA IgG should be positive but it's negative. Anyone ever seen anything like that?

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I have zero energy and im off balance at times. starting to lose my mind.
my ebv vca igg is 309 dont even understand what that means when the scale is 0 to 17.9

I sympahtize.


I am a little confused as a few months ago I had blood tests done and asked to include Epstein Barr Virus.
The nurse practitioner read the results and stated that I had at one time had Epstein Barr and a pretty severe
case also.
Recently, I had blood tests performed by my family doctor and asked for the Epstein Barr virus and the HPV virus along with Type 2 Diabetes and Long Haul Covid. The blood tests were sent to Lapcorp..
All test results came back negative with no DNA antibodies to anything.
I'm just confused how at one time I can test positive for Epstein Barr antibodies and then test negative for the same virus. Just wondering??? I guess I just needed to blame my health issues on the Epstein Barr Virus being reactivated. Now I guess I'm just a "weeny whiner"

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Pacerone aka Amiodarone if you are taking this you might wanna step back and get off of it for a bit.I couldn't walk,talk or sign my name.Got to reading about my drugs and got off Amidarone and 3 days later i was just fine.No walker,i can talk and sign my name.Check your drugs yourself!!!!


I have zero energy and im off balance at times. starting to lose my mind.
my ebv vca igg is 309 dont even understand what that means when the scale is 0 to 17.9

I sympahtize.

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I have the same.
Can hardly walk without a cane or walker anymore.

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