PMS Problems

Posted by adelinezruk @adelinezruk, May 4 9:57am

I’ve had my period for years and never until like January of this year have my breasts changed significantly before my period. Since around January, the two weeks leading up to my period, my breasts get really really big. I don’t wear regular bras so I don’t know the change in cup size but I know it’s a very, VERY visible change. I have pretty small breasts but before my period they look HUGE. I already struggle with really bad body image and because of this I go about two weeks of every month wearing giant hoodies to cover them up. Does anyone else struggle with this, and if so do y’all have a tips for how to stop it?

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Hi @adelinezruk, you posted in another discussion about having difficulty inserting a tampon. I recommend that you request an appointment with a gynecologist. These are questions best addressed by a medical professional.

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