Difficulty Driving After COVID-19

Posted by McNabb5 @dmorris24, Mar 12, 2023

In 2021, I drove for miles on the highways for additional income using Lyft, GoPuff and GrubHub to provide extra cash for my family. January 2022, I tested positive for COVID-19 along with my family. I knew I shouldn't be driving while I was sick but I decided to drive to get essential medicine next door. As I was driving out of my apartment complex to go to the store I had a painful squeezing sensation in my left leg which traveled to my arm and chest. I thought I was dying so I stopped and I tried going to Urgent Care but I couldn't drive any further. I went home and waited even though I should of went to the Emergency Room. During my battle with COVID at home I would have episodes where I had difficulty breathing, fatigue, brain fog, fever, light headed, chest pain, nightmares at night and some loss of taste. COVID was the worst sickness I had experienced in my life. After I tested negative a lot of the symptoms went away but I still had difficulty breathing, palpitations and I couldn't drive for even 2 miles. I eventually went to the emergency room in February 2022 and learned my D Dimer was high but no blood clots in chest, lungs and a normal EKG. June 2022, I had a Pulmonary Function Test and learned I had intermittent asthma after my COVID-19 infection. I checked my heart as well with my cardiologist and all my tests were normal including a stress test. Fast forward to now, I still have trouble driving but it's not as terrible. There are some days I can drive for 2 hours and others only minutes. I can't find any patterns other than my symptoms are worst when I drive on the highway. I get shortness of breathe, tingling in my hands along with feet, squeezing in my legs, squeezing in arms, light headed, feeling of fainting and chest pain. I was told it's just anxiety and I've been to the ER many times but these symptoms are very real and terrifying. I thought I could overcome this and took a job as a Field Technician but I was fired because I had an episode on the highway where I had to go to Urgent Care. This is ruining my life because as of lately my recent job offers involve a lot of driving and I struggle to drive. It's extremely difficult to get a remote job as it's extremely competitive. I'm hoping for a desktop tech job nearby so I don't have to drive too far. I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced the same issues with driving after COVID-19? What did you find and how you've over came it?

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I had Epstein Barr years ago. LC feels very similar. I don't drive because I fall asleep doing anything. I also have eye spasms. When I have the spasms my vision goes. It doesn't last that long but long enough to cause problems if I was driving. My primary doctor is very sympathetic but admits he doesn't know enough to offer any help. I keep telling myself to be patient but with all the other added problems from LC it's very hard.

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Yes!It is just awful.I feel like everything I do is in slow motion everyday.It has affected every part of my body including walking.Everyone one that seems to have long covid also has reactivated epstein barr.It basically just shuts your whole body down.It is horrible.

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