Emotional Volitility

Posted by spittendrigh @spittendrigh, May 10 8:31am

I'm 75, winding down..or maybe up toward not so sick anymore. After two separate two year bouts of Long Covid, starting with an original infection in March 2020.

I had the virus twice (tested positive the second time) but did not get very sick. The long covid aftermath was a different story.

I had most of the usual symptoms: foggy brain, fatigue, rashes (beginning only), PVC and Atrial Fibrulation heart palpitations (now gone), debiliataing insomnia (now gone) and Tinnitus, which is still with me. And Emotional Volitility.

As an adult ,over most of a lifetime, I gradually learned now to hide and to surpess some but not all emotions. As an adult male I had not cried in decades. Now I cry frequently. Out loud. Almost audibly. I love more openly. And fight and get mad as a hornet at the drop of a hat. Some of this is good and some is not so good.

It is what it is. I sometimes think I'm suddenly like a 75 year old high school boy emotionally, layered over on top of a lifetime of wisdom and experience.

I see the term "emotional volatility" mentioned here and there, with zip to none discussion of explanatioin.

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FWIW, in terms of a Long Covid wrapup discssion (I am getting better, rapidly),. the two symptoms I didn no tmention above were Colitis (1 fyear chronic diarrhae) and I forget now..........Ah. Short term membory problems.

A Neurologis diagnosed my memoryh issues a "memory retrieval mechanism" problem, because once I did rember even a little a flood of details come back. On the surface thts sounds a bit like the names and places trouble all geezers have. But it was worse. More widespread. That symptom is still weith me now, but not as bad as it was a year ago.

People mention liquid runs here occassionally, but not often. Perhaps it is hard to talk about.

I FINALLY saw a gastro guy, who did a colonoscopy. He diagnosed "moderately severe" Colitis.
She actually, gave me a prescription for criminally expensive Butesonide pillls ($1400 for a month), $600 of which I had to pay. It fixed my diarrhea instantly. It is apparently a steroid that somehow targets teh gut.

Once gone it did not come back, which leads to the punchline. Is all of Long Covid a form of auto-immune inflammation, as a feedback loop where inflammation causes inflammatino? Where....at the right time...strong anti-inflammatory drugs can break the viscious positive feedback loop of new inflammation caused by old inflammation.

I will award myself the No Bell prize?

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I use budesonide (off-label, prescribed by my ENT) for topical nasal rinsing added to xylitol, mupiricin and distilled water in a neti pot. Budesonide was patented for use as an asthma inhalant. I understand you are taking it in pill form for digestive issues, which is different -- but it's hard to understand the crazy price discrepancy when it's the same basic drug. My month's supply costs me $4.50 (with insurance) at CVS. Maybe it's worth it for you to look into the outrageous cost! I read online that some forms are available today as generic drugs.


Woe Thank you. Holy moly.

I will look into this. Is there a NYTimez arucke around the vorner,?
I'm old and retired but I have written a million () pieces for glossy fishing magazines

Perhaps this is not only interesting but an opportunity.

I will stay in touch.
Hmm. My phone will not let me scroll up to fix inevitable typos.


Sorry for all the typos above.
I really do want to know more about this. I will not use it say anyone's name without permission too.

Are you Canadian? The great land of healthcare sanity?

If some co-pays are $4.50
While others are almost $700 for the same powders , something very wrong is afoot. In our midst.


The Long Covid Demon has made me hyper sensitive emotionally to things that pre-Covid would not bother me at all or I would just shrug off. Now, I find I feel "weepier" and more easily frustrated and irritated. Being aware of the changes helps with my understanding the "why" and sometimes being able to use positive self-talk to move through it, but it doesn't make the emotional sensitivity go away. I find it annoying having to use my limited Long Covid energy reserves to deal with the emotional hyper sensitivity (sigh).

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Hi @iamawriter. Tx so much for putting this excruciating emotional journey in terms hopefully everyone can understand. Healing to you🌈


Hi @iamawriter. Tx so much for putting this excruciating emotional journey in terms hopefully everyone can understand. Healing to you🌈

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Thank for for the kind words and healing thoughts.

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