Has anyone found an exercise based program proven to work?

Posted by ans @ans, Jan 21, 2024

To All-Very important information shared by Belinda Beck from- theboneclinic- goggle that- based in Australia- yesterday in the Osteoporosis Summit that has been sited here going on this week. The Liftmor trials, which she was in charge of , has been tracking people for over 10 years put a program into place called Onero, based on that thinking and the results are in and impressive. It works to improve bone mass. It's based on HiRIT -( I believe the acronym is to denote High Intensity Resistance Impact Training). It can be safe and effective led BY PEOPLE that have been trained. She emphasized NOT to do these exercises without SUPERVISION. Sherri Betz's exercise programs are built off this thinking. Beck said to grow bone you need specific, targeted training. They watched people over many years in the Liftmor trials and then went one step further to set up a clinic in the real world to test it out . As she explained, its based on one lifting 85% of what you can lift in one repetition. So that is a lot, but everyone is different. For one it might mean starting with a broom stick , for another it could mean 2o lbs or more. The program is individualized for each person. Each person receives a 2 1/2 hr baseline assessment. A very important thing she commented on that at first they were confused about was why the femoral neck didn't change the BMD score much- but hot off the press this week- they have a 3-D testing device in their clinic and it revealed that the thickness of the cortex increased particularly where the femoral neck fracture usually starts. and further the proximal head of the femur cortex gets thicker along with the trabeculae . so therefore the shape of the bones improve and there's increased internal hip support. She did go over some of the basic criteria to do this Onero program , but I won't bore you with those details , except to say that most people can participate in this treatment. I will direct you to go to a podcast with Margie Bissinger PT where she interviews Dr. Claudia Tamas, she is an Onero trained clinician that heads up a medical clinic in NJ. This information is new and there are very few clinics in the US that offer this . So get out there and talk about it, maybe share this info with your general dr, endo, PT office, etc. so it can begin to be offered in more places!!! That was a lot , but hope that this gives you all some hope!! Beck said they are changing the idea that instead of meds, exercise can be the first line of defense against osteoporosis issues!! Good Luck to all on your own path!

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Currently in the US there are two in California, one in Wisconsin, one in New Jersey, and two on Long Island.
Here's a link to view all licensee locations around the world on the Onero Academy website.
There aren't many. I hope that we can help to change that.

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Thank you for the information!


Thank you for your response! I’ve been using dumbbells (8lb) & just trying to get stronger overall. i just find it pathetic that there are so few Onero accredited clinics in the US. Best of luck with your program with the personal trainer. Perhaps the cost can be viewed as minimal when compared to the pain & suffering, inconvenience that goes along with a fracture. Hope you will report on your progress.

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Debkincaid - yes it is pathetic. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance and they have absolutely no coverage for osteoporosis programs. Pathetic.


Thank you for your response! I’ve been using dumbbells (8lb) & just trying to get stronger overall. i just find it pathetic that there are so few Onero accredited clinics in the US. Best of luck with your program with the personal trainer. Perhaps the cost can be viewed as minimal when compared to the pain & suffering, inconvenience that goes along with a fracture. Hope you will report on your progress.

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@debkincaid, I imagine it's rough to get people informed and educated in the USA when you live in Australia. Belinda Beck is doing a lot of international travel so it is offered in more locations. There are maybe 5 sites in the US and hopefully word about the program will spread.


Yes I looked into the online Onero program. They have the regular one which uses light weights and is geared towards improving balance. They also have individualized programs but I talked to one of their staff in Australia and they only do dumbbells, not barbells for the individualized program, as they believe you MUST have supervision lifting the heavier barbells proven to improve BMD in the Liftmor trials. So out of luck. However, though expensive I am going to be working with a personal trainer to do the squat, deadlift and overhead press- the 3 exercises that are done in their clinic with barbells.

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I bought Onero to the attention of my local PTs and to Dr. Prideaux at Mayo Rochester. I can not seem to get alot of movement about it. I wish there was, especially for us in small communities outside large metropolitan cities. I have severe osteoporosis I do not feel comfortable doing the activities of the Lift-Mor program without supervision. It can be dangerous for sure WITHOUT PROPER SUPERVISION. And each of our situations are different. That is another reason for professional guidance. However, it seems as it is an effective tool that requires no drugs. I agree please inform our providers to get more information and training in this. In my opinion, we need more professionals to take a good look at this and integrate it into practice. The providers I have talked to seem unfamiliar with both the studies and the program. I understand to be trained in it is expensive. Lift-mor studies are available to read. I would encourage people to learn more about . You can Google Lift- mor studies. Dr. Beck has YouTube videos. You can Google Onero also.


I bought Onero to the attention of my local PTs and to Dr. Prideaux at Mayo Rochester. I can not seem to get alot of movement about it. I wish there was, especially for us in small communities outside large metropolitan cities. I have severe osteoporosis I do not feel comfortable doing the activities of the Lift-Mor program without supervision. It can be dangerous for sure WITHOUT PROPER SUPERVISION. And each of our situations are different. That is another reason for professional guidance. However, it seems as it is an effective tool that requires no drugs. I agree please inform our providers to get more information and training in this. In my opinion, we need more professionals to take a good look at this and integrate it into practice. The providers I have talked to seem unfamiliar with both the studies and the program. I understand to be trained in it is expensive. Lift-mor studies are available to read. I would encourage people to learn more about . You can Google Lift- mor studies. Dr. Beck has YouTube videos. You can Google Onero also.

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I am going to join one of the New Jersey locations. I had a trial class, and the equipment is state of the art. Very very impressive. I understand that if you can get your doctor to write a letter for you recommending the workout, then Onero with send a letter with the doctor's letter to your insurance company. Insurance companies - or at least mine - are not aware of Onero. We need to make them aware. This is for us to build our bones and hopefully substitute having to take medication. Try to see if there is a location near you to take a complimentary class. They are really opening up locations across the country. Texas has many locations. Check it out. The workout only takes 10 minutes. You have to try it to understand....


There is an ONERO program in Long Island and somewhere in the Midwest, but don’t know where exactly..

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@ans, here is a link to all locations. You have to manipulate the map to see all.


I am going to join one of the New Jersey locations. I had a trial class, and the equipment is state of the art. Very very impressive. I understand that if you can get your doctor to write a letter for you recommending the workout, then Onero with send a letter with the doctor's letter to your insurance company. Insurance companies - or at least mine - are not aware of Onero. We need to make them aware. This is for us to build our bones and hopefully substitute having to take medication. Try to see if there is a location near you to take a complimentary class. They are really opening up locations across the country. Texas has many locations. Check it out. The workout only takes 10 minutes. You have to try it to understand....

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@yogagirl57, You are lucky to have access!

Here is a link to their location map - there are one or two in NJ, a few in NY, one in Wisconsin and a few in CA. I don't see any in Texas.
I'm sure we'd all love to take advantage, but scarcity is an issue so far.


@yogagirl57, You are lucky to have access!

Here is a link to their location map - there are one or two in NJ, a few in NY, one in Wisconsin and a few in CA. I don't see any in Texas.
I'm sure we'd all love to take advantage, but scarcity is an issue so far.

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In reply to @yogagirl57 "Agree" + (show)

I know Belinda Beck is traveling all around the world to get more in place.

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