Does anyone have a solution for blistering around the lips bc of sjog

Posted by emred @emred, May 8, 2024

The area around my lips get very blistered because of Sjogrens. My lips themselves are fine, but the skin around them is blistered. has anyone experienced ? I have used Vaseline, Cocoa butter, vitamin E and nothing seems to help

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I have Sjogrens, I have dry lips, purple spot on my bottom lip that has been there for a few years . I’ve asked before about Burning Ear Syndrome my PCP, Neurologist, ENT, Urologist, Dentist, Pain management, had never heard of it and even said there wasn’t a code for it. Finally I asked Rheumatologist and she said if it’s the whole ear it’s from Sjogrens and mine might be one ear or the other and occasionally both. So something else to add to my oddball list

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Is your rheumatologist with Mayo Clinic? My sister is being referred there because no one can figure out why she’s so sick but we think she has Sjogren’s. We are looking for the name of a good rheumatologist with Mayo who specializes in auto immune diseases. Do you have any doctors there? You would recommend. Thoughts and prayers for you.


Is your rheumatologist with Mayo Clinic? My sister is being referred there because no one can figure out why she’s so sick but we think she has Sjogren’s. We are looking for the name of a good rheumatologist with Mayo who specializes in auto immune diseases. Do you have any doctors there? You would recommend. Thoughts and prayers for you.

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@lsk246 No I don’t have any doctors from Mayo. It’s too far for me or I would love to because I’m dealing with a failed back surgery also and the surgeon said there’s nothing wrong, no pinched nerves but my legs are numb


I have Sjogrens, I have dry lips, purple spot on my bottom lip that has been there for a few years . I’ve asked before about Burning Ear Syndrome my PCP, Neurologist, ENT, Urologist, Dentist, Pain management, had never heard of it and even said there wasn’t a code for it. Finally I asked Rheumatologist and she said if it’s the whole ear it’s from Sjogrens and mine might be one ear or the other and occasionally both. So something else to add to my oddball list

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In my ear but very low down inside my ear also. Very frustrating ! Haven’t mentioned it at my Doctors appointment as yet. Very itchy a newer symptom.


I also have sjogrens and have had similar problems only mine occurs as red blistering at the corners of my lips and redness around but not on my lips, on my skin. My rheumatologist treated it as a fungus & had me applying an OTC cream but it did not get better that way. It hasn't bothered me in awhile but it did continue for a long time. It got better when I was on a larger dose of plaquenil but now he has reduced it and so, it occurs occasionally and, when it occurs, nothing makes it better. I have it to last over a year sometimes.

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