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Hi Jo, I started having internal vibrations that seem to have started after I had covid infection. In 2022 it started about 2 months after the infection and I mistook it for heart palpitaions. I saw a,cardiologist who said there was nothing wrong with my heart and the palpitations stopped a few months later. In 2023 I cad two covid infections. After the 2nd infection in May, I developed long covid and was extremely fatigued for several months. By October I was feeling about right, and then my sister passed away very suddenly. This set me back healthwise. I have type2 diabetes, but it hS bee reasonably well controlled for many years. But now I find I have these internal vibrations a lot of the time, through my core and in my legs, hands and feet. I have not had any diabetic neuropathy before, but have thought that these internal vibrations may be that. They are usually worse at night when I lie down. I often eat a biscuit or a piece of chocolate at night, so it is possible it is the sugar in these that trigger it. I have not taken any medications for it - I'd prefer to know the cause first.

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Replies to "Hi Jo, I started having internal vibrations that seem to have started after I had covid..."

i never tested positive for Covid, but think i did have it.
i have been having internal vibrations for about 2 years.
Worse at rest, better with exercise - any. LDN helped with fatigue. Beta blockers, primidone and gabapentin did not help at all. nor did chinese herbal meds. i started taking a very small dose of 5-HTP. i plan to increase the dose. also trying back stretching exercises since this is positional for the most part.

Thanks for your message. I wish you fast recovery. Unfortunately, internal vibrations haven't been studied much yet. One of my doctors reply to me was if doctors thought internal vibrations were important, this subject would have been studied. He has no clue.
As for me, at rest, they are usually felt more. I still have them, mostly felt at nights. I think they are still 24x7 but I feel them more intensely at rest. I also have pain on the left side and weak muscles in comparison to the right side. I wish I knew what to do...