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Did not know about SERMs so will definitely read-up and ask about it. I was hoping it would help in a way these bone meds could be taken at a reduced dosage and possibly allow more drug holidays.

My T11 fracture has healed and now T10 has stated. It is the T12 compression wedge fracture - only the top part of the front facing vertebra broke. This is the problem as it has caused the natural curves of the spine to change with a large lump further up my back. I cannot stand straight, always hunched forward with a curved spine - kyphosis
As the day continues, the bending/pain gets worse

To correct this I am told rods are to be placed from T12 to T2 on both sides to reduce the kyphosis/bending. I have lost 4 inches of height. It will not heal and only get worse.

Enduring these bone meds and the thought of this surgery has me in a place I couldn't imagine was possible.

I think my Grandfather must have had a similar condition as he suffered with bending and lumps. Surgery was not done for this condition then and his walking sticks eventually were not enough and he became bedridden.

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Replies to "Did not know about SERMs so will definitely read-up and ask about it. I was hoping..."

I have kyphosis too. I have never heard any suggestion of rods. Most people with fractures have some degree of kyphosis. I have also lost a lot of height and the reduced space inside causes problems with eating, heart and breathing.