Looking for help with connection of PLLA anchors in shoulder causing

Posted by Audrey @akogut, Jul 1, 2016

I had found a out of USA medical research article of how bioabsorbable anchors used in shoulder surgery can be responsible for igf-1 levels in bloodstream (insulin like growth hormone 1) I had thrown it out cause I could not get one specialist to look at it and research the study. I have had 4 shoulder surgeries on my left shoulder and each one the same Type of Athrex anchor was used. I am in pain 24/7 especially when moving my arm up in front of me. I feel sharpness and impingement but also Mri shows edema inflammation but my surgeon doesn't want remove anchor with unsure it is just that causing all the pain. I even had bicep tenodisis so not only shoulder hurting but upper arm bicep area. I am so lost I just what this anchors replaced with titanium ones since the bioabsorbable ones been replaced with bioabsorbable same kind and I would not have the complications after surgery but three weeks late all the pain and impingement starts again. I do hyper heal as well I had seen endocrinologist for some reason tested my igf-1 and each test of it increases. I am 48 at 5'7" and my weight from a year ago was 164 and has climbed to 194 and I am on synthroid due to hypothyroidism which I was put on last Fall and right now stable. I had been but on years ago wrongly Metoformin 1500 mg which last Fall found out previous endo false diagnosed me with risk of pre diabetes. I am off of Metoformin. I also was recently tested for glucose tolerance with measurements of growth hormone which came back normal. In March Inhad a mri with out contrast wrongly ordered to scan my pituitary gland which found a possible biegn adenoma on left side pituitary size 2.5 mm but in April the correct Mir on pituitary gland with and without contrast was done but then this showed it wasn't on the left but on my right side of my pituitary gland and 2.2 mm. I am suppose to have another scan in Oct but was told has nothing to do with my shoulder as well last test measuring my igf-1 was 393 when just a month before it was 264. I am scare and confused and alone. I get told go to Mayo etc but I have cost my mother Thousands of dollars going to one specialist to another and they don't continue researching why things going wrong in me. Please I need help and I need my shoulder specialist to have a team of dedicated researchers help him stop the pain I am in as well help my primary Doctor get me the medical care to help me get my life back. Like I said I am a 48 year old woman who never had children last January my periods stopped I am so hurt I lost chance have children. I was told it was young for me to stop having periods. I also last FAll had precancerous polyps removed from colon with no family history of it which makes me think that the metformin caused it as well diverticulitis and hiatus hernia

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Mayo should offer assistance over the phone prior to them expecting me to jump on a plane without them speaking to me or my specialist on Long Island


I agree. Some sort of counselling.
I dislike pain medication.
My daughter,has me on some oils.
They help some. At least smell
I think, too, PT is my best bet.
The shoulder pain does not go away.
I do put heat on it at night.
Helps some.
And,this is arthritis. After having it scraped
15 years ago,and rotator cuff surgery.


Mayo should offer assistance over the phone prior to them expecting me to jump on a plane without them speaking to me or my specialist on Long Island

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Audrey, Mayo Clinic does offer assistance over the phone to help assess your health issues, medical records, care history, etc. before you invest in travelling to one of our campuses. I urge you to call Mayo Clinic at one of our 3 campuses - Minnesota, Florida or Arizona - and talk to one of our representatives to find out what options are available for you. Click this link to find the contact numbers for all 3 campuses http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63


Mayo should offer assistance over the phone prior to them expecting me to jump on a plane without them speaking to me or my specialist on Long Island

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So I can send over medical for someone to go over before investing flying over there. I am so lost and been in pain for 11 years tossed from one specialist to another and not on pain meds for shoulder no pain meds at all. I feel totally alone on top of it my IGF-1 keeps rising it is now 393 and I am 48 years old. Please


Mayo should offer assistance over the phone prior to them expecting me to jump on a plane without them speaking to me or my specialist on Long Island

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Yes, Audrey. Please call the numbers provided by clicking this link http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63 They will walk you through the process over the phone.

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