Lumbar nerve ablation

Posted by wendyhobbie @wendyhobbie, May 6, 2024

Stanford pain management suggested Neurostimulator device implant and I’m not ready for that. My new doctors that did their residencies at Mayo in Rochester gave me an EMG and are going to be giving me two tests to see if a nerve ablation will resolve the pain from my lumbar down.
Has anyone else had success?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

@wendyhobbie, While you wait for members with experience to respond, you might want to read through the following discussions to learn what others have shared.

--- Radio frequency ablation:
--- Experience with Radio Frequency Ablation procedures?:


Had it done at L5-S1. No help at all. Did the spinal cord stimulator. It worked well for three years and stopped suddenly.


Had it done at L5-S1. No help at all. Did the spinal cord stimulator. It worked well for three years and stopped suddenly.

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Thank you for responding. I’m hoping that I will have better results this time.


Spinal Cord Implants: Has anyone had experience (good or bad) with spinal cord implants to relieve peripheral neuropathy pain? Were you able to discontinue your usage of all pain meds following the implant? Did you have any post-op problems with the implant?


I am having a lumbar ablation this morning, and I will let you know how it goes.

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