Anyone with GI bleeding 4 yrs after chemo and radiation?

Posted by burksgrl @burksgrl, Apr 19 2:31pm

My soninlaw started was admitted after large amt dark/ black vomitus . it stopped with npo then when starting clear to full liquids 3 more episodes with bright red blood. Theytried several endoscopic procedures , cautery to stomach, and endo cautery inside the gastric duodenal artery. bleeding recurred- meanwhile after months of not being able to eat normally followed by being npo etc., he lost about15-20pounds and many units of blood, Replaced with a total of about 8 units brought him up to only 7.7 hemoglogin. because of the weight loss and low hemoglobin they say he isn’t a candidate for open laparaotomy to bypass the duodenum ( which is where all the bleeding seeems to be coming from.) Now they are recommending hospice, stating they cannot do anything more endoscopically. He is 58 and had no health issues before his diagnosis. no bleeding for the last 3 days but one day had 1000cc bile thru Nasogastric tube..The docs say he will surely bleed again.

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@burksgrl, this must be so hard for your family to see your son-in-law suffer and to hear that the surgery is not possible and that it may be time for hospice. He is so young. Palliative and hospice care, while they are not the same thing, each offer support for family members as well as the patient.

Are you familiar with the services of palliative care? Hospice care?

Does he have a palliative care team currently? Are there hospice facilities near where he lives?


we arent ready to do hospice so far, but they have referred him to palliative care. Does that limit him in. any way, do you know. as far as treatments, surgery etc.? trying to get a clear pic of it but haven’t gotten there yet. Thank you so much


we arent ready to do hospice so far, but they have referred him to palliative care. Does that limit him in. any way, do you know. as far as treatments, surgery etc.? trying to get a clear pic of it but haven’t gotten there yet. Thank you so much

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@burksgrl, no, palliative care does not limit your treatments options. It is also referred to as symptom management care. In other words, palliative care works in coordination with your current cancer care team. Goals of treatment are shared.


@burksgrl, no, palliative care does not limit your treatments options. It is also referred to as symptom management care. In other words, palliative care works in coordination with your current cancer care team. Goals of treatment are shared.

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THANK YOU @colleenyoung .
Do you know does it only work in conjunction with oncology?


@burksgrl, no, palliative care does not limit your treatments options. It is also referred to as symptom management care. In other words, palliative care works in coordination with your current cancer care team. Goals of treatment are shared.

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Oncology is who wanted to put him on hospice because of the severe bleeding, saying it will recur and they can’t do any more endo procedures. I would have been in favor of trying an open procedure. Rather than [go home and get your affairs in order]? he wants to try to live.


THANK YOU @colleenyoung .
Do you know does it only work in conjunction with oncology?

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@burksgrl, palliative care works with all conditions. Here's an excerpt from Mayo Clinic
"Palliative care is specialized medical care that focuses on providing relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness. It also can help you cope with side effects from medical treatments. The availability of palliative care does not depend on whether your condition can be cured.

Palliative care teams aim to provide comfort and improve quality of life for people and their families. This form of care is offered alongside other treatments a person may be receiving."


@burksgrl, palliative care works with all conditions. Here's an excerpt from Mayo Clinic
"Palliative care is specialized medical care that focuses on providing relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness. It also can help you cope with side effects from medical treatments. The availability of palliative care does not depend on whether your condition can be cured.

Palliative care teams aim to provide comfort and improve quality of life for people and their families. This form of care is offered alongside other treatments a person may be receiving."

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Thank you so much! That answers a lot of questions. And it’s more than I actually got from the palliative care team,! And I appreciate the link.

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