Lesions on the brain and autoimmune disease

Posted by bwalker433 @bwalker433, Jul 13, 2023

Does anyone else have lesions on there brain with there autoimmune disease? I have over 24 small 0.5 lesions on my brain and every specialist tells me they have never seen this before. My brain looks like a 70 year old brain and I'm 33.

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Hi there everyone..... my daughter has cyst's on her brain. I am wondering about this with auto immune as i have Lupus and the Gene to go ith it. She doesn't want to be tested but does have to have the cyst removed as it is doubling in size every year. Does anyone know which auto immune might be linked to cyst's in the brain. take care everyone.. from Australia

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@leannestork I am so sorry about your daughter. I, too, had lesions on my brain, but they were not cysts. It was a newly diagnosed autoimmune disease. The doctors will do multiple biopsies which will tell them the source of the cysts.
The best thing you can do now is to support your daughter. She will need it. When you have more information, including the biopsies, you can meet with the doctors and discuss everything. I know how important it is to learn as much as you can, but you may have to go slow. I did find some articles, but they were mostly research and not good for you to read. Again, the doctors will be able to best answer your questions.
Is your daughter old enough to know/understand what’s going on? You want to be able to answer her questions truthfully and simply. Let’s see if other members have a similar experience. Will you stay in touch with me?


@leannestork I am so sorry about your daughter. I, too, had lesions on my brain, but they were not cysts. It was a newly diagnosed autoimmune disease. The doctors will do multiple biopsies which will tell them the source of the cysts.
The best thing you can do now is to support your daughter. She will need it. When you have more information, including the biopsies, you can meet with the doctors and discuss everything. I know how important it is to learn as much as you can, but you may have to go slow. I did find some articles, but they were mostly research and not good for you to read. Again, the doctors will be able to best answer your questions.
Is your daughter old enough to know/understand what’s going on? You want to be able to answer her questions truthfully and simply. Let’s see if other members have a similar experience. Will you stay in touch with me?

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Thankyou so so much. Yes my daughter is nearly 30 with a 3 year old and a 10month old. The surgeon could see how scared she was to go into surgery while the kids are so young. But he said he can successfully remove but it is near some major areas but will go in through the front. Thankyou for your kindness. Take care


Hi @menel. Thanks so much for your reply. I do have a few questions for you:
1. Do you have any idea what caused your CLIPPERS?
2. If you don't mind, could you provide a brief outline of your treatment over the past 2.5 years? For example, was the initial bout treated with pred and then you tapered and then went on Methotrexate...or some other series?
3. How were you diagnosed? Full workup and then diagnosed by exclusion?
4. Have you had any relapses? (I had one about 3 months into my treatment).
5. Do you pursue a fitness and/or nutrition regimen that you feel has helped such as the Wahl's Protocol or an anti-inflammatory diet?
5. Oh and I would LOVE any links you can share.
I feel fine now. I have just tiny remnants of numbness in my face and slight vision defects, but naturally I'm wondering what the future may hold.
The only things I can see that would have caused mine was stress (I had just been through a difficult time) and prolonged exposure to household chemicals (I had been restoring a built-in cabinet and literally had my head in it with cleaners and paint and whatnot for two weeks).
I am not doing anything particular in regards to diet and nutrition, but my baseline is 90% vegetarian, 7000 steps a day, 30 min of cardio a day plus hiking and outdoor activities once a week.
I know that's a lot. No hurry but thanks very much for any info. I'm posting this here because I feel our CLIPPERS info applies to so many of these other auto-immune issues. Thank again!

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You are the first person I've encountered with clippers who had (has?) a vision defect in combination with facial numbness. Also someone who is big into exercise and outdoor exercise, like me. How are you now? I just posted about my own situation today.



My neurologist told me that I have small white spots on my brain and that it means that my brain is aging faster than my actual age.
It’s so hard to believe because I do have a little bit of memory problems and I know people who are younger that have the same amount of forgetfulness as me. And my doctor never told me what causes it or what is the long term effects going to be.


My son is 22 and was diagnosed with MOGAD in October 22. There were several lesions on his brain that caused difficulty with motor skills. He literally woke up with stroke-like symptoms after have a chronic headache. His symptoms were drooping face, slurred speech, unsteady gait, little to no mobility in one arm and dragging of his left leg. Depending on what side the lesion is on, depends on what side of his body is affected. When lesion is on the left side, his right side is affected and vice versa. I would suggest talking to your Neurologist about looking into that possibility. I hope this helps. Stay encouraged. I know it’s challenging.


My son is 22 and was diagnosed with MOGAD in October 22. There were several lesions on his brain that caused difficulty with motor skills. He literally woke up with stroke-like symptoms after have a chronic headache. His symptoms were drooping face, slurred speech, unsteady gait, little to no mobility in one arm and dragging of his left leg. Depending on what side the lesion is on, depends on what side of his body is affected. When lesion is on the left side, his right side is affected and vice versa. I would suggest talking to your Neurologist about looking into that possibility. I hope this helps. Stay encouraged. I know it’s challenging.

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@meek. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I’m glad you found this site. What a frightening situation for you and your son! Can you tell me how he is doing now?


@meek. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I’m glad you found this site. What a frightening situation for you and your son! Can you tell me how he is doing now?

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Yes, it is quite scary! He’s doing the Rituximab infusions every six months. It’s supposed to get ahead of the inflammation. I don’t really see any substantial difference. I’m actually at his Neuro appt now. He just had an MRI done. I’ll see if there’s any improvement since his last MRI.


Yes, it is quite scary! He’s doing the Rituximab infusions every six months. It’s supposed to get ahead of the inflammation. I don’t really see any substantial difference. I’m actually at his Neuro appt now. He just had an MRI done. I’ll see if there’s any improvement since his last MRI.

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Does Mayo have any Zoom support groups for MOGAD or the other autoimmune disorders?


Does Mayo have any Zoom support groups for MOGAD or the other autoimmune disorders?

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Thanks for the hug!😊


How are you? A friend has small white lesions like this in her brain, she was told they resemble MS but i they are not. She had a serious toxic mold exposure. How are you a year layer? Any answers. Scary stuff for uou.

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