Voice issue after vaccination
Is anyone since having voice issues after covid-19 vaccinations? I am considering getting an appointment to the Mayo Clinic for evaluation. My ENT Doctor has exhausted what she is able to do....Therapy, botox injections, breathing exercise.... Other suggestions: Acupuncture, massage therapy & cog. behavior therapy has been suggested. I have been dealing with breathy, whispery voice for 1 and half years now.
Any Thoughts
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I am a vaccine and covid survivor. But I have hoarseness and constantly am clearing my throat. I’m seeing an ent in October unfortunately as it’s only the end of August. My sentences are broken in half. When I’m saying something I have to inhale half way through my sentences to catch my breath. It seems like my sentences need to stop briefly and finished on the other side of my gasp. My voice is throaty and low. I don’t talk to people unless I have to because I get tired of talking so it has affected my life in a small way.
I sound like I have laryngitis. But at 70 people don’t get laryngitis. I know one thing I’m thinking I may have had to do with my vocal chords. I’ll find out in October I hope.
RFK Jr. says his voice issue was caused by the vaccination, no idea if that's true, no comment on him or his politics really just thought this info was something you might not have read.
Thank you. I was aware of his voice issues, however, did not know that he say it was vaccination related. Thank you.
It isn’t a vaccine or covid symptom. Kennedy developed a throat issue
( you’ll have to google it)
He said it was from an injury I believe. It’s got nothing to do with Covid or the vaccine for sure but I can’t remember all the information. Googling is a wonderful thing!. Thanks for bringing it up as I wondered myself why his voice is so throathy
Thank you, yes we did google it and got some good information regarding the issue.
Hi I have the same exact issue! Have you gotten any resolution?
So far I have gone to my ENT and gastroenterologist for help. My gastroenterologist had to dilate my esophagus as food and liquids were reaching my stomach really slow. He said it’s good that I went because my esophagus was narrow in my abdomen so he stretched it.
A couple of weeks later I found signs of bleeding 3 days in a row. I ended up at a different hospital and doctor.
He said I had a bleeding ulcer and erosion in my stomach and he prescribed medication.
Why didn’t the first gastroenterologist catch these?
Anyway that’s not related to my throat issue. I was advised by a nurse to go to an ENT. He put a scope through my nose and told me that my right vocal cord is paralyzed and not working.
When that happens your breathing is cut in half and choking and cutting my sentences in half to take a breath while talking otherwise it turns into a gasp. My voice (what’s left of it) Is not good enough to talk on the phone. I barely don’t talk because I’m down to a whisper.
So I go back to my ENT later this week to discuss my issue as nothing has been done yet.
A lot of tests and he should have the results this week. I don’t know if Covid was the cause because I have to use a C-PAP machine to help me when I stop breathing.
I have had all vaccines and 2 boosters. I still got Covid ((mild)
Twice. Was it the vaccine or the Covid I’ll never know. All I know is I may end up with a thrache or injections and an exam behind the vocal cord to check for nodules, polyps, or cancer. I should know soon.
I have had 5 injections of Botox for vocal cord paralysis every 3-4 months since 2 nd COVID shot .
This time it’s been 5 weeks since injections and still can’t talk . Don’t feel it’s working to do this anymore