One leg has a smaller diameter than the other

Posted by brotherchuckles80 @brotherchuckles80, May 3, 2024

Last night, out of the blue, I recognized that my right leg has a smaller diameter than the left leg. Also, the right leg has the least sensitivity of the two. In other words, I believe that it is atrophying. Has anyone else experienced this. And I do exercise and/or walk daily. I look forward to reading your replies. God bless each of you. Charles aka brotherchuckles80

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Hi Charles, I have the opposite problem. My calf on my left leg is smaller than the one on my right leg. Mine is due to swelling and the lymphedema in my right leg is a little worse than the left leg. I also exercise daily and work on my leg muscles but at 81, probably not enough to build any new muscle. I just try to keep moving and taking each day one at a time.


You have me by one year John. God bless you. Charles aka brotherchuckles80


Hi @brotherchuckles80

I am experiencing muscle atrophy, too, but it is only in my right calf muscle. I’m 48 years old, and about 14 years ago, I herniated my disc at L5-S1. Never got surgery, and the pain eventually went away, but I have had numbness in my right 4th and 5th toes on my right foot. I’ve recently been diagnosed S1 radiculopathy, and I’m hoping to get surgery in the coming months to relieve the pressure on my S1 nerve root.

Did you happen to hurt your back recently or even a few years ago? Do you have any pain? Have you had an MRI?


Yes I hurt my back over 25 years ago. I have had two back and one neck surgery. My last back surgery was in 1999. Due to a doctor's mistake, my glucose dropped too low and they had to pause the surgery to bring the glucose back up to acceptable surgery levels. The surgery was successfully completed and I was released on a Sunday. By Friday of the ensuing week, I was paralyzed from the waist down. I had contracted MRSA and spent a month and a half in the hospital. I had to develop muscle to begin walking again; and that took about a year of PT. Over time, I developed neuropathy and drop foot in my right. I began having a lot of pain in my Lumbar about five years ago. I found a pain management clinic and had exrays, MRI and EMG done. With those results, it was recommended that I have a SCS implanted in my Lumbar. No more pain n that area. I do receive injections from time to time in my Thorax and Cervix area because I still have recurring pain in those two areas. My prayer for you is that you will receive correct diagnosis and treatment. God bless you. Charles aka brotherchuckles80


It sounds like you may have some blood vessel praoblems ( like varicous veins) and are having some fluid retention. Probably should have your doctor take a looke at this


Thank you, but it is neuropathy causing atrophy.


Thank you, but it is neuropathy causing atrophy.

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I have a similar situation: muscle atrophy in the right calf (gastroc) and thigh (quads). I was diagnosed five years ago with CIDP and the variant Lewis Sumner Syndrome (asymmetrical CIDP). Onset was over 35 years ago, so it had a long time to progress. IvIg and regular exercise have stabilized the situation, with some improvement. When I started IvIg, I had a slight increase in muscle mass, but it didn't continue. But without the IvIg, I'd probably be in a wheelchair by now. So the lesson is, treatment and exercise can help.


Thank you, but it is neuropathy causing atrophy.

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Atrophy is due to muscle wasting or disease process. PN is doubtful to effect your calf size.


Atrophy is due to muscle wasting or disease process. PN is doubtful to effect your calf size.

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The motor nerves tell the muscle what to do. If the muscle isn't getting any orders, it's not going to do anything. Idleness causes wasting and atrophy.

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