What is the average age of the gentlemen on here?

Posted by john57 @john57, Mar 26, 2020

good evening men. i have a group question here. i,m 57 years old and i feel that is kind of young to have prostate cancer. so my question for the men is what is the age of some of you?

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64 - diagnosed in '22 - AS
Recent increase in PSA and MRI findings indicate decision time. Leaning toward RP

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Hi @mnj9092, have you made your treatment decision? When will you have surgery if that is what you chose?


I have prostate cancer and in my layman’s opinion 57 is not too young to have P-cancer. I got diagnosed late at 61, I’m 64 with stage 4 G=10, and my current urologist oncologist said I’ve probably had it for 20 years. The only thing I can say with certainty is that the everyone is different. My advice, avoid denial and keep your philosophy and beliefs meaningful to yourself. We are all share humanity, but it stops there. We are metabolically unique. Bottom line for me is to enjoy everything and avoid pain and suffering both physically or mentally at every opportunity you can control.


54 and diagnosed 2 weeks ago

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Hi @mikesarnia, this is all so new for you. What treatment options are you and your team considering?


Diagnosed at 62 in February this year. Gleason 6. Genomic testing should not too aggressive. Surveillance for now but strongly considering RP.

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@wsartor, what are the criteria for you and your team to move from active surveillance to surgery?


Following PSA and followup MR. Aside from that, plan to follow advice of my surgeon and my oncologist for next steps. With all that, have to consider my anxiety level and state of mind. Anxiety level very low; state of mind very good. Current thought about leaning toward surgery is simply personal preference after studying alternatives and after talking to others with positive results from surgery; and, not wanting to watch and wait "too long". I agree with mcw2023. We are all different.


I was diagnosed de novo stage 4 bone only July 27, 2022. My birthday. I will be turning 62 this July 27th, my 2nd year cancer anniversary. I've heard of men being diagnosed in their 40's. Being diagnosed at 57 is not uncommon. My advise is do not read the statistics on the internet. It is old data based on SEERS. SEERS data is mostly men who only received ADT regardless of their age and stage of PC. PC for each individual is different. It reacts differently in treatment. The mutations are different for each person. If you have stage 1 prostate cancer, you have hope for cure. If it is stage 4, and oligo metastatic, you are still curative. It high volume stage 4, the medical advances today will allow you to live a long time with this disease.


PSA started going up quickly when I was at mid-74. Prostatectomy when I had just turned 75 (Jan 2022). Then Lupron for two years. Now 77 and negligible PSA. I think that's the value of rapid action for PC.
Good luck and thoughtful, rapid action at whatever stage you are in.


Hi @mikesarnia, this is all so new for you. What treatment options are you and your team considering?

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My doctor would like to remove my prostate, Iam just waiting for the CT Scan and Bone scan results to determine if there are any other concerns. Meeting with him in a couple of days.


My urologist (and second opinion doc) said that having prostatectomy after 70 years old is not recommended. They said that the odds of life long urinary leakage is much greater if done after 70. They said that you can find urologists who will do this surgery after 70 but much higher urinary problems can occur. Any one else get this advice?

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