Does anyone else have MGUS?

Posted by mjlandin @mjlandin, Jun 4, 2022

I was diagnosed with MGUS last October and although I've done a lot of research, I feel there's still so much I don't know. Does anyone else have MGUS?

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Thank you kayabbot - I’m also from a medical background and found those studies you cited and know how research works. I appreciate the explanation though.
I have inferred the connection between the mRNA vaccines I took and the changes in my health - it’s only a theory and time will tell.
Or I’ll never know? My MM doc said we’ll know in 20-30 years if there’s a connection. I got the feeling he’s been asked that before!
As I said, I think the vaccines overwhelmingly worked to save many lives- only just a few who may have had changes in their immune system beyond the expected Covid immunity.

I will look for the studies that led me to start thinking that there might be causation and post here.
My own condition is now being explained as possibly not MGUS or something similar that could be resolving.

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Fingers (and toes) crossed that you don't have MGUS and instead something that is leaving. There is so much to learn. I have celiac because of H1N1 followed by high stress (and genetics). I got glutened last March the same day I was exposed to covid. Having covid during a cytokine storm was not fun. My long covid (LC) is almost gone. Vaccines do trigger our immune systems, and are they still on alert once the mRNA bits are gone? There are similarities between LC and some autoimmune diseases.


Fingers (and toes) crossed that you don't have MGUS and instead something that is leaving. There is so much to learn. I have celiac because of H1N1 followed by high stress (and genetics). I got glutened last March the same day I was exposed to covid. Having covid during a cytokine storm was not fun. My long covid (LC) is almost gone. Vaccines do trigger our immune systems, and are they still on alert once the mRNA bits are gone? There are similarities between LC and some autoimmune diseases.

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Thank you! I’m hoping that’s the case too.
Immunology is fascinating and research goes so fast now- hoping we learn more soon about inflammation and autoimmunity.
The cytokine storm is what killed so many people with Covid infections. Once our immune system is ramped up, it can become its own worst enemy.
Lots still unknown - clearly the vaccine helped much more than it caused harm.


A lot more(250) lambda, 20%in bone marrow and the checkup is next week so will find out more then!

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Slowly rising, 284 lambda now k/l quotient 0.04 now!
Still waiting thank goodness


“Monoclonal gammopathy results from clonal proliferation of plasma cells or antibody secreting B-cells, producing large amounts of homogenous immunoglobulin or light chain fragments. An “acute” or transitory monoclonal spike has been reported in association with a spectrum of acute and chronic inflammatory illnesses, including viral infections.“

* This pertains to an M spike found in 2 older patients who actually had a severe Covid infection.

Stay tuned for more…😄

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Looks like they found the TP 53 mutation in only 9% of the cells. I don’t see anything else.
The significance of this small amount isn’t clear.

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Thanks Leslie! Appreciate your feedback. Amazing really that 9% of a type of cell being mutated is small, but I'll take it as a positive! 🙂


Slowly rising, 284 lambda now k/l quotient 0.04 now!
Still waiting thank goodness

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I am glad it is moving slowly.


Hi @kbluegrass, you are taking the bull by the horns here. I think we all could feel better and have better outcomes if we ate healthier and exercised. There is a lot of information about the benefits and efficacy of nutritional supplements. If you are taking Turmeric or curcumin, they say it might reduce blood glucose and increase the risk of hypoglycaemia, especially if you are also taking Metformin. Maybe something to watch out for. I have read about that because of my type 2 Diabetes. Maybe it wouldn’t be a concern for you.
It’s so hard to process all of the information you read (Dr Google) as some of it is contradictory, and there is some just plain bad information floating around. I’m sure my hem/onc doc has met the sainthood criteria as I have lists of written questions when I see him. He’s very patient with me. I’m three years into my MGUS diagnosis and am now seen every six months, having been seen every three months for the first two years. My “numbers” have been very stable which is a good thing.
The hardest part for me after they started throwing words like “multiple myeloma, smoldering” and “Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance” around was keeping my head from exploding with raw anxiety. Thankfully, the risk of progression is low.
Everyone who participates in this forum has a unique medical profile, some with comorbidities and nobody’s situation is exactly the same. Anxiety is common among us when this is new to us. It gets easier.
I hope you have found an experienced and thorough clinician to work with. It’s important to have confidence in that relationship and be able to ask questions and discuss strategies until the two of you have a plan. If not, keep looking.
I love your positivity and see that you are very proactive. Let us know how your bone biopsy turns out. Wishing you the best possible outcome.

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Thank you, Patty. I was seeing a hematologist because of anemia issues. He sent me to a nephrologist because he didn't like the kidney function (been on pain meds for many years due to back issues). Nephrologist ran tons of bloodwork. When I met with him, he pointed out the monoclonal ism lambda rate (03 g/dl) which I don't understand. His first word was it's probably MM and chemo treatments. I just freaked. I see the hematologist/oncologist on Monday. I've been a mess since getting this information. I feel much better after reading your answer here. I just felt like I'd been given a death sentence. I'm frustrated with the nephrologist making such a jump, instead of letting me just get back with the hematologist/oncologist and talking about this. I so appreciate your information. I hope I get a good report on Monday when I go back. Right now, I'm scared.


Thank you, Patty. I was seeing a hematologist because of anemia issues. He sent me to a nephrologist because he didn't like the kidney function (been on pain meds for many years due to back issues). Nephrologist ran tons of bloodwork. When I met with him, he pointed out the monoclonal ism lambda rate (03 g/dl) which I don't understand. His first word was it's probably MM and chemo treatments. I just freaked. I see the hematologist/oncologist on Monday. I've been a mess since getting this information. I feel much better after reading your answer here. I just felt like I'd been given a death sentence. I'm frustrated with the nephrologist making such a jump, instead of letting me just get back with the hematologist/oncologist and talking about this. I so appreciate your information. I hope I get a good report on Monday when I go back. Right now, I'm scared.

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Yeah who knows? There’s a reason doctors need to stay in their lanes. I think plasma cell disorders can be complex with subtle differences and you gotta know what you’re talking about.
I had a compression fracture from snow skiing and went for an X-ray at a well known ortho clinic for confirmation. I had just gotten the MGUS diagnosis and I guess the doc saw my other records and came in with a print out on MM. He started in on a spiel about how treatable this is now, blah blah blah.
I was able to explain it’s been fully worked up and not MM. He seemed very relieved. 😅


My own journey with MGUS started in 2014 when my neurologist recognized the ratio between proteins in bloodwork was “off” and ordered serum protein electrophoresis for me at the age of 43.

Though my IGg Mspike (κ light chain)
and bone marrow % have remained low, my numbers fluctuate a lot. Sometimes doctors have been hopeful that it will burn out and disappear. But then it will rise again, and maybe a few months later rise some more and then drop the next time we check.

They call this asymptomatic.

My intuition about my body and the myriad autoimmune symptoms/
manifestations and overall poor health, frequent difficult infections (and even with something like raging kidney infections requiring surgery did not create a rise in white blood cell counts), et cetera lead me to believe there is more happening in MY body.

I was diagnosed with vasculitis in 2022 and with IBD ulcerative colitis in 2023 (didn’t have typical symptoms; colonoscopy revealed disease.)

It is difficult to be be told or continue to read that this has “undetermined significance” and is asymptomatic when I am sick, fatigued, running fevers, aching, “crashing” after activities, and experiencing sensory neuropathy or numbness in hands, wrists, and feet, lower legs and have several autoimmune conditions.

SOMETHING insidious is going on and so far my blood work doesn’t show much beyond the MGUS and low levels of markers in several autoimmune disorder categories and that treatment with Synthroid relieved/improved
many hypothyroidism symptoms.

I wonder all the time what is really happening.

The work I was pursuing with a rheumatologist and dermatologist came to a halt with the arrival of SARS Co-V2 as “elective” appointments were kind of shut down.
Since then I lost my rheumatologist, neurologist, and hematologist with whom I had developed rapport and trust.

Starting over is difficult. So far I have not found great help in the specialist dept.

I have been reading some research regarding the effect rheumatological and autoimmune disease have on the progression of MGUS to MM or lymphoma.
(Risk statistics are increased.)

What I want to know is if there is something about MGUS that triggers the onset of these other, sometimes very debilitating, diseases.

How can a condition, MGUS, which even at a low level changes the chemistry of one’s blood, NOT affect the body? Plasma and blood health work to regulate so much of our health and functioning.

I post this not to frighten others nor to complain. It seems there is so much that is unknown. I just hope to find physicians willing to work on the puzzle pieces with me.

I wish you all good health and send virtual hugs with positive thoughts!


My own journey with MGUS started in 2014 when my neurologist recognized the ratio between proteins in bloodwork was “off” and ordered serum protein electrophoresis for me at the age of 43.

Though my IGg Mspike (κ light chain)
and bone marrow % have remained low, my numbers fluctuate a lot. Sometimes doctors have been hopeful that it will burn out and disappear. But then it will rise again, and maybe a few months later rise some more and then drop the next time we check.

They call this asymptomatic.

My intuition about my body and the myriad autoimmune symptoms/
manifestations and overall poor health, frequent difficult infections (and even with something like raging kidney infections requiring surgery did not create a rise in white blood cell counts), et cetera lead me to believe there is more happening in MY body.

I was diagnosed with vasculitis in 2022 and with IBD ulcerative colitis in 2023 (didn’t have typical symptoms; colonoscopy revealed disease.)

It is difficult to be be told or continue to read that this has “undetermined significance” and is asymptomatic when I am sick, fatigued, running fevers, aching, “crashing” after activities, and experiencing sensory neuropathy or numbness in hands, wrists, and feet, lower legs and have several autoimmune conditions.

SOMETHING insidious is going on and so far my blood work doesn’t show much beyond the MGUS and low levels of markers in several autoimmune disorder categories and that treatment with Synthroid relieved/improved
many hypothyroidism symptoms.

I wonder all the time what is really happening.

The work I was pursuing with a rheumatologist and dermatologist came to a halt with the arrival of SARS Co-V2 as “elective” appointments were kind of shut down.
Since then I lost my rheumatologist, neurologist, and hematologist with whom I had developed rapport and trust.

Starting over is difficult. So far I have not found great help in the specialist dept.

I have been reading some research regarding the effect rheumatological and autoimmune disease have on the progression of MGUS to MM or lymphoma.
(Risk statistics are increased.)

What I want to know is if there is something about MGUS that triggers the onset of these other, sometimes very debilitating, diseases.

How can a condition, MGUS, which even at a low level changes the chemistry of one’s blood, NOT affect the body? Plasma and blood health work to regulate so much of our health and functioning.

I post this not to frighten others nor to complain. It seems there is so much that is unknown. I just hope to find physicians willing to work on the puzzle pieces with me.

I wish you all good health and send virtual hugs with positive thoughts!

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I agree that it’s a complex interaction between our immune system and so many other things that can cause symptoms and we don’t know yet what they all are. I remember first learning in college (nursing major) about the many diseases that are now understood to have autoimmune connections such as type 1 diabetes. How viruses can trigger autoimmune disease!
I’ve read in studies how Covid ( both infected and even healthy but vaccinated people) can have similar effects of inflammation that can resolve or sometimes persist.
That antigenic stimulation (again, either from viral or bacterial infections, and even allergies or vaccinations (rarely) might trigger things to get mistakes in coding. Then lead to different autoimmune disorders especially women tend to have more.
My very healthy mom was diagnosed with systemic scleroderma in her late 70s- no prior history for her or our family.
I think stress has a big role in our immune system too.
Bottom line we do what we can to be mentally and physically healthy and hope for the best!

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