Have you had FODMAP elimination diet success?

Posted by mythmara @mythmara, Apr 30, 2024

Going on fifth week of extreme bowel spasms/pain. It started with acute gastritis which took me to the ER. I received supportive IV including anti inflammatory treatment (it helped). A CAT scan ruled out appendix trouble or other obstructions.

Since then the gastritis of abdomen calmed but pains moved down to small intestines/bowels. In general I feel incrementally better day by day but way too slow to give me hope. I stopped drinking coffee, wine and chewing gum. During spasms I gave myself gentle abdominal massage, oh the gurgling I’d hear!

After three weeks the diarrhea came, which I treated with Imodium. Had two additional events of same. A doctor visit sent me away with a stool sample kit to use only if I experience more diarrhea and instructions to deliver it within two hours for testing. That ruled out weekends which naturally was when the next attack occurred.

Like many of us I’ve been reading a lot about the GI system and its quirks. I started a FODMAP elimination diet three days ago.

Has anyone tried the FODMAP? What was your experience?

Thanks in advance.

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Awesome! I will go check out the link and video you provided. Yes, I keep a food diary. I will definitely share any successes. Thank you.

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Monash FODMAP app is awesome!


Thank you for sharing your experience. I downloaded the Monash FODMAP app yesterday! I can see how helpful it’s going to be. Yesterday was one month after my acute gastritis attack and finally the first evening since it started without horrid gut spasms. So relieved that a light at the end of the tunnel has appeared. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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Absolutely, MythMara -- I hope that Monash is helpful to you. Consider following the app's advice and if that doesn't provide any or enough relief, look at the foods that are all green-lighted. They often say "eat freely." I am free of spasms and have normal elimination but anything but a normal diet. I can only eat what doesn't trigger problems and it is a short list. That being said, I love my relative health and hope it stays.

I believe so much of the constipation and spasm problems noted in this support group comes from foods -- and for some of us -- foods that are hard to imagine as problematic.

Stick with it. Keep researching. I hope you have an easy path.


BTW, MythMara, I did not follow any of the Monash/FODMAP elimination rules as I already had so many intolerances. They did increase in number, over time, with advancing age. I just did my own thing and dived in. Hopefully the standard protocol will be very useful for you!


I have been using the "good foods" in that diet along with a low potassium and diabetic diet. I am also taking Lizness for about week now but remain constipated. And so I wait. God bless you. Charles aka brotherchuckles80

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My guess is that some food on your "good foods" list is causing your constipation. It can be the most innocuous item, like brown rice or oats. One just never knows...so please experiment with your "good foods" diet.


My guess is that some food on your "good foods" list is causing your constipation. It can be the most innocuous item, like brown rice or oats. One just never knows...so please experiment with your "good foods" diet.

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Yes! Already found it’s too early to evaluate brown rice so, back to the sister, white rice. My eventual plan is to start mixing them to build up slowly to brown, but in no rush. Thank you.


I have been trying to find out what was going wrong with my gut. I had to move away from my gastroenterologist because she made mistakes and was just guessing at what my problem was. I had to go through a dietitian and get more tests. I started the FOTMAP diet and did a 3 day poop test. SIBO . And a breath test IMO ( intestinal methagan overgrowth) Now I’m taking antibiotics and soon probiotics. All the while I’m still figuring out what foods from the FOTMAP diet to reintroduce. I think it’s a good thing, but it requires some patience and a lot of willpower. I’m used to saying no to some foods, being a diabetic. But it’s a good challenge for sure.

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