I am amazed about I just have read here!
I was searching for pos transplant personallity changes because I am feeling so much calmer with no anger left like I had before the transplant. Now I just think that it is a change related about the condition of the organ. Pre transplant I may felt, unconsciently, more irritated and without patience.
I had a very short waiting time (15 days) and I was not so urgent at that time.
I felt a shut of my defenses in the day of the surgery and till end of the 1st week after the transplant. There was when I made a rejection and started the treatment but I felt inside me that I need to recover my power again, don't just let go. It was kind an spritual and emotional experience.
I trylly believe that there is a part - non stated very much - about the spiritual experience of a transplant.
I didn't feel and still don't feeling any guilty about the donor. I just knew that was ran over by something.
I guess that it is enough respect his organ that now it's mine and treat that even better than my previous.
In my country they don't give you any opportunity of getting in touch with donor's family. I don't feel that I need. Obviously I am so greatful to his parent that died. I guess if I have the opportunity to contact I will do but just feel that don't need.
During the first months I was struggling a lot with social isolation (I live alone), I was very depressed, the weather was always raining, was a difficult time.
I started to make decisions and even if that doesn't bring me instant clarity, I felt that I needed to do that. That's why I describe that as much more a spiritual experience that anything else.
I end up my 10 year's relationship that was in a bad situation before transplant and got worse during the internment.
I decided to quit my two jobs and start again.
Started to care about myselft, exercicing, and so on.
Suddently, and not because something specific, I started to feel with a better mood, started to contact my friends more, exposing myself more. I feel myselft with a new life.
Since then, life is bringing me so unexplained experiences and vivencies that I can't describe, even find new love.
This is, in the end, a very good experience but I know that some people experience physical pain and a lot more issues and could be very difficult, among financial issues... This is, for sure, an life changing experience and, like every life changing experience, you hope that will be the most better one.
If occours that you experience is not being good, I just advise you to vibrate in love and don't get in a down emocional spiral. Read about others issues and try to understand yours and at least make a question:
In what this could be good for me?
Always push the bright side of things.
Peace and Love everyone! I wish you the best!
@pedroxeneta, what a great outcome. You made a conscious decision to take control, honor the gift of your new organ, and to take care of it. I really liked reading your story.
May I ask, what organ was transplanted? What activities do you enjoy doing?