Swollen Tongue no one knows why

Posted by iandalrymple @iandalrymple, Feb 20, 2017

It started last August with my lips and cheek swelling lasted about 24 hours, a couple of weeks later it was my tongue. I’ve ended up in the emergency room because of the swelling but seven months later the Doctors have told me they don’t know. I have had all the blood work done and all looks good but every 20 to 30 days my tongue swells so much I can’t talk or even drink water. When this does happen all I take is 60mg of prednisone (don’t know if it actually works) my main concern is that I might choke especially when it happens in the middle of the night. Any ideas anyone?

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Thank you for such a detailed response!
My vitamin b12 level was within the reference range but I did have a doc tell me it is boarderline low.

I have also had various allergy blood tests, allergy skin tests, and inflammation markers that are all normal.

I have had a few instances of horrible asthma/illness in the recent months (my anxiety kicks out a lot of Histamine causing me to be itchy, have already had labs to prove it’s not liver issues) and I’ve been on prednisone bursts for that. The swelling is still there. I ask my boyfriend when it feels and looks swollen to me and he says no different than normal. I might have to just top it off as anxiety (I have a ton or health anxiety and am about to start a new medication, hoping this one works) it might just be TMJ and me pushing my tongue into my teeth.
Another thought I had was the TMJ narrowed my teeth? I’ll have to check with my dentist.

I already take a ppi along with Zantac (as my gerd has kicked up a ton with my anxiety) and have taken montelukast in the past with no change.

Of note I should mention the swelling never affects my breathing, just puts me into a panic. Yes I’ve had asthm issues recently but it has been pneumonia and typical wheezing (only heard in the lower lungs with a stethoscope) so not an upper airway issue

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Hey. Did you ever figure out the tongue swelling issue? Was it an allergy or tmj?


Hi ! I am new here jus turned 30 I have been experiencing swelling under the right side of my toungue for the last 3 yrs ): it scares me so much it happenes at night, i am actually sitting here because its swollen i take Aller-tec when i feel it happening. 3rd time this week i dont know what to do anymore...

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Hey. Did you ever figure out the tongue swelling issue? I have it under one side too.

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