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Hi @brenny and welcome. It sounds like you're ready for the call and have bags packed.

May I ask what liver condition led to your husband being listed for transplant? How is he doing? How are you doing?

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Replies to "Hi @brenny and welcome. It sounds like you're ready for the call and have bags packed...."

Does the time depend on how the liver condition developed?

He is a pancreatic cancer survivor, 2012. He was 39 years old when diagnosed and we had 4 young children. He had a fatty liver and the chemo he received before his Whipple surgery caused liver damage. He was diagnosed with stage 4 cirrhosis in 2021 and listed with UNOS 10/2022. Unfortunately, his Meld score does not reflect how sick he is. He struggles with hepatic encephalopathy, daily nausea, constant pain, and severe muscle wasting, he is deficient in just about every vitamin and mineral (A, D, B, calcium, copper, iron). He deals with major edema and gets weekly albumin infusions. He now has osteoporosis (just diagnosed) with multiple compression fractures in his back. So all the side effects of the liver failure except the metabolic side that he needs for a transplant. His Meld is very liable ranging 14-18 right now. At his last appointment in April they found 2 lesions in his liver (graded LR3). The lesions are trending towards HCC. The only good thing about that is a new cancer diagnosis will allow for exception Meld points.

Things are pretty rough right now, we have reached the point that we feel like we are hanging on by our finger nails. We have big family support and that helps. Praying for another miracle.